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5 top tips for parents for the 2023 GCSE and A Level exam series

5 top tips for parents for the 2023 GCSE and A Level exam series

by The Adapt teamJanuary 27, 2024Revision

The 2023 exam series

As we head into the new year, it's never too early to start thinking about the upcoming GCSE and A Level exam series. With the right preparation, students can go into their exams feeling confident and ready to succeed. As a parent, you can play an important role in supporting your child's exam preparation. Here are five top tips to help your child prepare for the 2023 GCSE and A Level exam series.

Start early and create a revision schedule One of the keys to exam success is starting early and giving yourself plenty of time to prepare. Encourage your child to start revising as soon as possible and help them create a revision schedule. A revision schedule can help them break down their revision into manageable chunks and ensure they cover all the necessary topics before their exams. Make sure they factor in time for breaks and relaxation too, as taking regular breaks can actually improve concentration and retention.

1. Use a variety of revision techniques

There are many different revision techniques that can be used to help students prepare for their exams. Some students find that highlighting notes and textbooks is helpful, while others prefer to make flashcards or create mind maps. Encourage your child to try out different revision techniques to find what works best for them. Remember that everyone has their own learning style and what works for one person may not work for another.

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2. Get plenty of sleep and exercise

It's important for students to take care of themselves during the exam period. Getting enough sleep and exercise can have a big impact on academic performance. Encourage your child to aim for 8-9 hours of sleep each night and to take breaks to get outside and exercise. Even a short walk or gentle yoga session can help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

3. Practice exam techniques

Taking practice exams is an important part of exam preparation. It allows students to get used to the format and style of the exams, as well as giving them the opportunity to practice time management and exam techniques. Encourage your child to take advantage of any practice exams offered by their school or online revision resources.

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4. Stay positive and focused

It's important to stay positive and focused during the exam period. Encourage your child to adopt a growth mindset and see exams as an opportunity to learn and improve, rather than as a test of their worth. Remind them of their strengths and accomplishments, and try to keep a positive and supportive attitude. Focusing on the bigger picture and keeping a sense of perspective can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.

5. Encourage balance

Encourage them to take breaks and have fun, and try to maintain a sense of balance in their life. Make sure they eat a healthy and balanced diet, and provide them with a quiet and distraction-free space to study. If your child is struggling with a particular subject or topic, consider hiring a tutor or seeking additional support from their school.

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By following these tips and providing your child with the support they need, you can help them go into the 2023 GCSE and A Level exam series feeling confident and ready to succeed. Remember that everyone has their own unique path and timeline, and that success looks different for everyone. Encourage your child to stay true to themselves and focus on their own journey, rather than comparing themselves to others. With the right preparation and mindset, they can achieve great things.

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