A message from Adapt during the COVID-19 lockdown
by The Adapt team • March 24, 2020 • After Exams
#The COVID-19 situation
The world feels like quite an uncertain place right now. Like you, the team at Adapt have had to learn to work from home, adjust our goals and find new ways to motivate ourselves without the structures and human contact which usually keeps us on track. It is hard, and it is strange.
One of the great problems with uncertainty, is that what we don’t know can cause as much stress as what we do. It is at times like this that we need support, we need communities and we need to keep moving forward, even when we’re stuck in one place.
We set up Adapt to help students cope with the anxiety and stress of exams, to help you keep calm and carry on in the face of your challenges. In these difficult times, the challenges may have changed, but our support remains the same.
#How to stay positive and producive at home
Adapt is a study planner that fits around you and the circumstances you’re in, and our planner allows you to work from home with all the structure you had at school.
We help you create a timetable, manage your workload and access resources, so you can be certain that you’re always moving forwards, and feel in control.
Our app allows you to:
Structure the hours in your day and design your perfect daily routine. From language learning, to exercise, schoolwork or revision, having a routine, will become routine.
Manage your homework and set schoolwork so you never miss a deadline.
Keep track of all your to-dos, and find the best way to factor them into your schedule.
Make the most of the time you have now by adding on free booster courses, filled with exam-specific content, and which cycle and update intelligently to maximise your focus.
And best of all,
It’s all in one place, so you can rely on one clear plan of action for your day. You should have a time table, even at your kitchen table.
The world may be chaotic right now, but your day doesn't need to be; let us structure your time so you feel calm, energised and purposeful. We’re here for you, no matter what test you may be facing.
-The Adapt Team (Maud, Sarah, William, and James)
Cover photo by: Adapt