How to balance extracurriculars with studies
by Granger Productivity • December 30, 2021 • After Exams
Today's post is by @grangerproductivity. Maintaining a work-life balance during revision can be difficult. But with the expertise of @grangerproductivity and sharing their techniques of how to not become overwhelmed, we can all have a healthy approach to revision together!
@grangerproductivity reveals how you can keep doing the things you love whilst maintaining your grades!
How To Balance Extracurricular Activities With Studies
We all have activities that we enjoy and are passionate about is. The problem is when the school year rolls in, we spend less and less time doing those activities due to homework, studying for tests or doing projects.
In this post, I will give you guys my tips on how to balance your extracurricular activities with your studies.
First off, you may be thinking: what position is she in to give these tips?
Well these tips that I will be sharing with you guys actually helped me a lot when it comes to balancing extracurriculars and studies. My hobbies involved swimming, blogging, YouTube, and being part of an entrepreneurship club.
1. Don’t join too many extracurriculars
Having too many activities will take up too much of your time to the point where you will not have enough time to study. Not only that, you will feel more burnt out because your schedule is so filled up, you won’t have enough free time to just take a break.
I suggest having only around 2 to 4 hobbies. Remember that it is not the number of extracurriculars that counts, but the quality you put into them or how involved are you in that activity.
2. Make the most out of your travel time
Travelling from school to your hobby will always cost you precious time so why not make the most out of your travel time?
You can start studying your material in the car (or any vehicle) and at least you made progress in studying so you will have less studying to do once you get home.
I really recommend using Quizlet for studying on the go. In the car, you can use Quizlet to create your flashcards and it will sync to all of your devices so the only thing you have to bring with you is your device.
Photo by @grangerproductivity.
3. Make A Timetable
It is always useful to make a weekly timetable so you will get to see an overview of what your week is going to be.
In the weekly timetable, you should put down all extracurricular events as well as your school time. After this, you will be able to see which days you can catch up on your revision and which days are you the busiest with your hobbies.
I recommend downloading Emma Studies’ printables since they are really useful in keeping you organized. She has a lot of printables ranging from monthly to daily printables so you can go ahead and experiment on which system works best for you.
Just a little reminder, when you are scheduling your week, make sure to give yourself time to rest and relax to avoid feeling burnt out.
Photo by Emma Studies’ printables.
I also recommend using Adapt especially if you are from the UK, since this app makes your revision timetable and all you need to do is put in what subject do you take and Adapt will do the rest.
Photo by Adapt.
4. Stay On Top Of Your Studies
Maybe this is one of my most important tip to you guys. When the teacher gives you a homework and you have some spare time in between classes, START DOING THE HOMEWORK! That way, you can use the time later to revise or relax.
I recommend using any spare time that you have whether it be during recess, lunch or in between classes to get the small things done. Don’t wait for your homework to pile up and you becoming overwhelmed and stressed. I recommend listing down your homework or tests so that you won’t forget about them.
Photo by @grangerproductivity.
Here are some apps and printables that will help you:
iStudiez Pro: create your subjects in this app and then list down your tasks or tests for that particular app and it will notify you of when your homework or test is due.
Focus To Do: this is a pomodoro app where you list down the tasks you have to do for each subject then the app will notify you of what tasks you have to do today as well as when the tasks are due and then you can do the task using the pomodoro method.
Granger Productivity: I made a subject to do list for you to put in tasks for each subject, a test tracker to see the list if tests you will have and as well as the date of this test, and an assignment tracker where you can list down your homework for each subject, what is the homework all about and when is it due.
I hope these tips help you guys in balancing your extracurriculars and your studies and just hang in there and keep going!
Final note: your mental health and physical health are the most important so if you are not feeling well, cancel your extracurriculars and activities and take a break!
Post by @grangerproductivity.
What is Adapt, and how does it help you manage your time and revision?
Adapt is a brand new app which creates a personalised, exam specific timetable for you, for free. Not only can you add revision to your calendar, but your homework, topic tests, and any other task you want to do! There are so many exciting features to discover.
Feel better about your revision today by using Adapt- the app that knows all your exam dates, all the topics you need to learn, and creates your perfect revision timetable for you. Oh, and don’t worry, if you miss a topic it will reschedule it for you! So, you are getting everything done without guilt, stress, or countless hours of planning!
Cover photo by: @andotherlawstories