How to look after your mental health during revision
by @revise.with_a • September 21, 2021 • Mental Health
Today we're so excited to post a guest blog by Aimee from @revise.with_a. She's going to talk openly and honestly about the reality of mental health during revision and exam time, and give you some great suggestions on how to get through it all (as well as where you can go for help!)
Hi everyone! My name is Aimee and I am going to be talking about my experience with mental health, my tips for keeping your mental health in check during revision, and how using Adapt has helped me stay positive.
Photo by: @youngmindsuk
The reality of mental health during revision
To start, I am going to introduce myself to you all. Hiya I am Aimee, most people call me Aims, and I am a Mental Health Ambassador for Adapt! I am so so happy to be able to write this blog post without people actually seeing my face- it makes it easier to be honest and upfront with you all. So, sometimes if these posts aren't completely positive, that's just because I am telling you and showing you that actually life isn't always perfect.
Especially with mocks coming up and exams around the corner, lots of us are going to start feeling the impact of exam and revision stress on our mental health.
Behind someone's smiling face they could be feeling stressed, unwell, or just having a bad time (so remember to always check up on your friends and family!) I am in no way a counsellor, but I hope that what I say helps you and that you can benefit from reading this blog post.
Photo by: @youngmindsuk
Defining mental health
So, what exactly is mental health? Mental health is to do with a person’s condition- specifically with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. Simply put, this means how someone is feeling. We can not always control our mental health and feelings but we can do something about it. Something that's effective for me when I start to feel stressed and poorly during revision and exams is to find some mantras I can say to myself. These help me through whatever I am feeling! Here are some that I've used:
- I can do this, I am going to be fine
- I am strong, fearless, and independent
- Love everyday because you only live once
Just because these work for me it doesn't mean they'll work for you, but try finding your own mantras to keep you motivated and feeling positive and calm.
Photo by: @mentalhealthagram
How to manage your mental health at school
Aaaah school. I am so scared of school because it feels like that one, big building represents your entire future and whether or not you'll be successful. There are so many things that can be difficult at school, and I've had a lot of difficult experiences there for the past few years. School isn't as simple as just focusing on your revision and trying to do your best.
Friends and social groups can be difficult and bullying happens to so many people. Most students feel insecure at school, and sometimes they can judge or bully others as a way of getting through that. If you're being bullied at school or having a difficult time with your friends, it's so easy to lose focus on your schooolwork and revision.
I'd love to write another post about school life and how to get through it (without losing focus from your grades and aspirations) so please let me know if you'd be interested in reading that!
Photo by: @youngmindsuk
How to manage your mental health during exams
EXAMS!!! Most people do not like these or any type of tests (myself included) but unfortunately we have to do our GCSEs (or the exams you take where you live). These results can impact our futures either positively or negatively, so while they're not everything, they do matter.
Okay, yes I have to admit I am not the best at revising in any way shape or form but I have found that there are lots of apps and websites available for free to help support your through revision. You're not on your own!
I applied to be a mental health ambassador for Adapt becuase using the app had a huge impact on my mental health. Adapt is a free app where you can put in all in the subjects you're studying (seriously, they have full topic lists that cover the entire syllabus for every UK subject and exam board!) and it will automatically create a perfect revision timetable on your phone. The app allows you to go about your daily life and revise when you want to. It helps you plan revision into the times when you're free, and reschedules any revision you don't get done for another day.
The app also tracks your progress so you can see how many topics you've completed and your confidence rating for each one. This feature helps me feel in control of my revision because I know exactly what I need to do and that if I follow their recommendations I'll cover everything I need to know by exam day.
Tracking your progress with Adapt! @adaptapp
I would higly recommend you download Adapt when they launch it to all students in January!
How to get help with mental health
There are loads of amazing Mental health charities out there online, and in person! You can access these charities by phone, email, text, or online through their website or social media. Here are some of the ones that have helped me:
Photo by: @youngmindsuk
- Young minds - this charity focuses on mental health and it gives lots of ways for you to cope and ways to make a difference in your life. If you are a parent/carer it will give you lots of advice on how to help your child cope during what they are going through. If you are a young adult or child then this will also give you some amazing resources from fundraising to booklets and leaflets to advice and support.
You can contact them directly on social media @youngmindsuk or text YM to 85285.
Photo by: @mind
- Mind - are a charity that you can talk to whenever and you can access them in so many different ways. Their mission is: We won't give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect. They are so supportive and helpful- I would highly recommend donating to them if you are able to.
You can call them at 0300 123 3393 or text 86463 from 9am-6pm Monday to Friday. They also have a webchat on their website. If you need help outside of those hours you can contact Samaritans 24/7 for free by calling 116123, emailing: [email protected], or on their social media @samaritanscharity
Photo by: @childline_official
- Childline - they'll give you advice on everything from money issues to contraception and safe sex to smoking to bullying and more.
You can contact Childline over the phone by calling: 08001111. Call this number for help no matter what issue you're facing. You can contact them directly on social media @childline_official
Photo by: @dianaaward
- The Diana Award - is a charity who believe in the power for young people to change the world. Their aim is: to foster, develop and inspire positive change in the lives of young people.
They have an amazing support centre with so much helpful advice. and a crisis messenger for people in the UK to text where they'll talk to you and give you support- the number to text for that is: 85258.
Photo by: @themixuk
- The Mix - provide support on everything- mental health, sex and relationships, drink and drugs, crime and safety, housing, money, and your body, to name just a few- for people under 25.
You can call them at 0808 808 4994, speak to them online with their 1-2-1 chat, or get free, 24/7 support via their crisis messenger by texting THEMIX to 85258.
It's not easy to manage your mental health and keep on top of revision!
This is the end of my first blog post. I really hope you've found it helpful and that you can find someone (whether a friend, family member, teacher, or charity) who you trust and can talk to about how you feel and how you are coping with school, revision, and exams. The point of this blog was to show you that there's support out there for revision (like free apps that care about helping you feel in control of your revision) and for mental health (charities with help lines who are waiting to speak to you).
Photo by: @revise.with_a
As a Mental Health Ambassador for Adapt I will continue to post about mental health as mocks start, and how you can use Adapt to feel positive and motivated for your exams.
Aims x
Cover photo by: @revise_with.a