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How to plan your revision

How to plan your revision

by @olivia_studies_January 30, 2022Planning

Today's post is by Olivia. She has provided us with her 5 Top Tips on how to plan your revision. Looking at all the work we have to do for an upcoming exam can be daunting, so it is amazing that Olivia has shared with us how she organises her revision to help everyone be as productive as her!

Olivia is sharing her wisdom of how she makes her revision as organised as possible!

Hello everyone! My name is Olivia and today I wanted to share with you some of my top tips on how to plan your revision.

Whether you are in year seven or at university studying for a PhD, revision can often be a daunting task that, speaking from experience, many of us prefer to put off until we feel more ready to tackle the ever-growing pile of work.

Unfortunately, that never really seems to solve anything, in fact it causes more stress!

So, having said all that, let’s get into my top tips for planning revision…

Tip 1 : Plan ahead

I like to make sure I have planned my revision well before I need to start actually revising, that way it saves time and I can make sure I have got all the necessary information, sheets, resources, pens etc I need.

I suggest getting together a list of what you need to revise so you are prepared and don’t spend time stressing over this later, which leads me onto tip number two…

Tip 2 : Make a topic list

These are invaluable when it comes to time-efficient revision; by making a list of all the topics you need to revise it creates a clear picture of how much you have to do- meaning you can allocate sufficient time to each subject.

Adding a column that acts as a tick box is also a great way to see how much you’ve covered a keep track of your progress.

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Photo by Forbes

Check out this article in Forbes for more info.

Tip 3 : Prioritise

I’ve often fallen into the trap of trying to revise all my subjects at once- thinking they are all the most important, when actually my Biology exam is ten days before my Psychology paper.

Looking at your exam timetable and putting each one onto a calendar or into a diary, so you can see how far apart each exam is, can help to prioritise. Then you can organise your revision to cover the most necessary topics and subjects- that you have an exam for first.

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Photo by Adapt.

Tip 4 : Get organised

The worst thing about starting revision is when you are fully in the zone and then realise you’re missing a crucial textbook or don’t have enough coloured pens (I have most definitely stopped my revision for this crisis…!).

To avoid this, make sure you organise your revision before you start. A good way of doing this is to lay out everything that you will need and group the resources into piles for each subject- including textbooks, classwork, folders and the all-important stationary.

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Photo by @srta_opositora.

Tip 5 : Clear a space

Before you even think about revising, you need a space in which to do it.

Clear your desk, dining room table or library area so that you can lay out your revision and resources and don’t get overwhelmed with bits of paper or distracted by the makeup left out!

For more tips, check out my brand-new blog.

Happy Revising!

Olivia x

What is Adapt, and how does it help you manage your time and revision?

Adapt is a brand new app which creates a personalised, exam specific timetable for you, for free. Not only can you add revision to your calendar, but your homework, topic tests, and any other task you want to do! There are so many exciting features to discover.

Feel better about your revision today by using Adapt- the app that knows all your exam dates, all the topics you need to learn, and creates your perfect revision timetable for you. Oh, and don’t worry, if you miss a topic it will reschedule it for you! So, you are getting everything done without guilt, stress, or countless hours of planning!

Cover photo by: @ariellestudying

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