Vocabulary Enhancement
Commonly Used Phrases
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Commonly Used Phrases
Greetings and Courtesies
- أهلاً وسهلاً (Ahlan wa Sahlan) - Welcome!
- مرحباً (Marhaban) - Hello!
- صباح الخير (Sabah al khayr) - Good morning!
- مساء الخير (Masa' al khayr) - Good evening!
- تصبح على خير (Tusbih Ala khayr) - Good night!
- شكراً (Shukran) - Thank you.
- عفواً (Afwan) - You're welcome.
- مع السلامة (Ma'a al Salama) - Goodbye!
At the Market
- كم سعر هذا؟ (Kam s'ar haatha?) - How much is this?
- أنا أتسوق (Ana atsawaaq) - I am shopping.
- أين يمكنني أن أجد ...؟ (Ayna yumkeenee an ajed...?) - Where can I find...?
- هل لديك ...؟ (Hal ladayk...?) - Do you have ...?
Dining Out
- إنه لذيذ (Inahu latheet) - It's delicious.
- ما هذا؟ (Ma hadha?) - What is this?
- هل هذا حلال؟ (Hal hadha halal?) - Is this halal?
- الحساب من فضلك (Al hisab min fadhlak) - The bill, please.
Medical Emergency
- أنا مريض (Ana mareed) - I am sick.
- أحتاج إلى طبيب (Ahtaaj ila tabeeb) - I need a doctor.
- أين المستشفى؟ (Ayna al mustashfa?) - Where is the hospital?
- أنا أشعر بالألم هنا (Ana asheur bil alam huna) - I feel pain here.
Travel and Directions
- أنا ضائع (Ana daa'ea) - I am lost.
- أين الحمام؟ (Ayna al hammam?) - Where is the bathroom?
- كم البعد إلى ...؟ (Kam al bu'd ila...?) - How far is it to ...?
- أحتاج إلى سيارة أجرة (Ahtaaj ila sayaarat ajra) - I need a taxi.
Remember to pronounce words correctly and use polite language. Small variations in pronunciation can lead to miscommunications or confusion in real-life situations.