This subject is broken down into 52 topics in 5 modules:

  1. Vocabulary Enhancement 13 topics
  2. In-depth Grammar 15 topics
  3. Reading and Comprehension 8 topics
  4. Writing Proficiency 8 topics
  5. Listening and Speaking Skills 8 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Vocabulary Enhancement

Commonly Used Phrases

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Commonly Used Phrases

Greetings and Courtesies

  • أهلاً وسهلاً (Ahlan wa Sahlan) - Welcome!
  • مرحباً (Marhaban) - Hello!
  • صباح الخير (Sabah al khayr) - Good morning!
  • مساء الخير (Masa' al khayr) - Good evening!
  • تصبح على خير (Tusbih Ala khayr) - Good night!
  • شكراً (Shukran) - Thank you.
  • عفواً (Afwan) - You're welcome.
  • مع السلامة (Ma'a al Salama) - Goodbye!

At the Market

  • كم سعر هذا؟ (Kam s'ar haatha?) - How much is this?
  • أنا أتسوق (Ana atsawaaq) - I am shopping.
  • أين يمكنني أن أجد ...؟ (Ayna yumkeenee an ajed...?) - Where can I find...?
  • هل لديك ...؟ (Hal ladayk...?) - Do you have ...?

Dining Out

  • إنه لذيذ (Inahu latheet) - It's delicious.
  • ما هذا؟ (Ma hadha?) - What is this?
  • هل هذا حلال؟ (Hal hadha halal?) - Is this halal?
  • الحساب من فضلك (Al hisab min fadhlak) - The bill, please.

Medical Emergency

  • أنا مريض (Ana mareed) - I am sick.
  • أحتاج إلى طبيب (Ahtaaj ila tabeeb) - I need a doctor.
  • أين المستشفى؟ (Ayna al mustashfa?) - Where is the hospital?
  • أنا أشعر بالألم هنا (Ana asheur bil alam huna) - I feel pain here.

Travel and Directions

  • أنا ضائع (Ana daa'ea) - I am lost.
  • أين الحمام؟ (Ayna al hammam?) - Where is the bathroom?
  • كم البعد إلى ...؟ (Kam al bu'd ila...?) - How far is it to ...?
  • أحتاج إلى سيارة أجرة (Ahtaaj ila sayaarat ajra) - I need a taxi.

Remember to pronounce words correctly and use polite language. Small variations in pronunciation can lead to miscommunications or confusion in real-life situations.

Course material for Arabic, module Vocabulary Enhancement, topic Commonly Used Phrases


In-depth Grammar

Learning about Particles

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Learning about Particles

Introduction to Particles in Arabic

  • Particles, or حروف, are an essential component of Arabic grammar.
  • They often serve various syntactical functions that give sentences structure, meaning, and variations.
  • Particles could be divided into three primary categories: Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Particles of Negation.


  • Prepositions in Arabic, commonly referred to as حروف الجر, link nouns, pronouns and phrases, indicating a type of relationship with other words.
  • Common prepositions include “in" or في, “on” or على, and “from" or من.
  • Prepositions usually precede the object of the preposition, creating a prepositional phrase. For example, "في البيت" (in the house).


  • Conjunctions, also known as حروف العطف, join words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.
  • These include words like “and” or وَ, “but” or لكن, and “or” or أو.
  • The conjunction وَ is typically attached directly to the word it is connecting, i.e., "وَصديقي" (and my friend).

Particles of Negation

  • Arabic uses a variety of particles of negation to negate sentences, known as حروف النفي.
  • “Not” is conveyed by ليس for sentences in the past, and لا for verbs.
  • An example is "ليس لدي" (I do not have) or "لا أريد" (I do not want).

Revision Techniques

  • Constantly engage with Arabic text — be it reading, writing or translating— to familiarise yourself with the use of particles.
  • Create an organised list of common particles that you encounter, divided by their categories.
  • Practice sentence building, ensuring to integrate particles into them. Re-read often to reinforce the rules and contextual usage.
  • Always verbalise your sentences or read Arabic materials out loud to internalise proper sentence flow and use of particles.

Course material for Arabic, module In-depth Grammar, topic Learning about Particles

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