Family and Personal Information
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Family and Personal Information
- عائلة (Family): You may have to answer questions about nuclear and extended family members. Be familiar with the words for mother (أم), father (أب), brother (أخ), sister (أخت), grandparents (جدي وجدتي), and cousins (اٍبن العم أو ابنة العم).
- الأعمار (Ages): Common question topics may include the ages of family members. Review phrases like, "كم عمرك؟" (How old are you?) and understand how to respond in years.
- الحالة الاجتماعية (Marital status): Be comfortable with terms such as married (متزوج/متزوجة), single (أعزب/عزباء), divorced (مطلق/مطلقة), and widowed (أرمل/أرملة).
Personal Information
- الاسم (Name): Remember to listen out for phrases like "ما اسمك؟" (What's your name?) and "اسمي..." (My name is...)
- المهنة (Occupation): This may require knowledge on various job titles like doctor (طبيب), teacher (مدرس), student (طالب), engineer (مهندس), and nurse (ممرضة).
- الجنسية (Nationality): Be aware of words like "من أين أنت؟" (Where are you from?) and "أنا من..." (I am from...)
- الهوايات (Hobbies): Refamiliarise yourself with terms for common hobbies such as reading (القراءة), sports (الرياضة), music (الموسيقى), and travelling (السفر).
- الهاتف (Phone): Expect questions about phone conversations or messages like "ما الرقم الخاص بك؟" (What is your number?)
Home and Environment
- البيت (Home): Pay attention to words related to different rooms in the house - kitchen (المطبخ), bathroom (الحمام), bedroom (الغرفة), and living room (الصالة).
- مكان الإقامة (Residence): Comprehend phrases pertaining to location, for example "أين تعيش؟" (Where do you live?) and "أعيش في..." (I live in...)
- البيئة المحيطة (Surrounding environment): Heighten your understanding of words related to the surrounding environment such as neighbourhood (الحي), park (حديقة), street (الشارع), and city (المدينة).
Remember, the Listening section of the exam tests not only your understanding of specific vocabulary, but also your comprehension of spoken Arabic in natural conversation. Practice with audio resources to improve your listening skills and speed of understanding.