Level 3 Art and Design BTEC International

This subject is broken down into 32 topics in 5 modules:

  1. Contextual Influences in Art and Design 6 topics
  2. Practical Techniques and Processes in Art and Design 7 topics
  3. Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design 6 topics
  4. Communication Through Art and Design 7 topics
  5. Professional Practice in Art and Design 6 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Art and Design

Contextual Influences in Art and Design

Historical influences

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Historical influences

Historical Influences in Art and Design

The Renaissance

  • The Renaissance marks the period from 14th to 17th century which saw significant changes in art and science.

  • Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo emerged during this period, creating works that continue to profoundly influence art.

  • Renaissance art is characterised by realism and attention to detail, as well as by the use of perfect proportion and linear perspective.

The Industrial Revolution

  • The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialisation that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s.

  • Art during this period tended to reflect the rapid changes in society. Realism grew in popularity, aiming to show life as it truly was.

  • New techniques and materials became available due to improvements in technology, such as synthetic pigments and the camera obscura.

The Modernist Period

  • Art movements of the early 20th century, referred to collectively as Modernism, saw a shift away from traditional methods towards innovative techniques and ideas.

  • Modernism brought forth movements such as Futurism, Suprematism, Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism.

  • Artists like Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky, and Salvador Dali challenged traditional boundaries, using abstract forms and new techniques.


  • From the mid- to late 20th century, Postmodernist artists moved again from the conventions of Modernism.

  • Postmodernism is notable for its criticism of the ideas of objectivity and the grand narratives of history, featuring a more cynical and ironic perspective.

  • Artists began appropriating images from popular culture, reflecting the influence of mass media and consumer culture.

Consideration for Today's Artists

  • Today's artists are influenced by each era, and their work may incorporate elements from the past while addressing contemporary issues.

  • Key themes in modern art include globalisation, identity, the importance of new media, and the role of art in community and activism.

  • Artists must consider the influence of the digital age and how the internet and social media have amplified the sharing of art.

Understanding the events and movements of the past can help us to understand the evolving landscape of art and design. In your works, always remember the ongoing dialogue between past, present, and future in art.

Course material for Art and Design, module Contextual Influences in Art and Design, topic Historical influences

Art and Design

Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design

Creative problem-solving

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Creative problem-solving

Definition and Importance of Creative Problem-Solving

  • Define creative problem-solving: A mental process which includes generating solutions to problems in a novel, innovative way.
  • Recognise the relevance of creative problem-solving in art and design: aids in overcoming design obstacles and introducing fresh perspectives on conventional ideas.

Steps in Creative Problem-Solving

  • Identify the steps involved in the process: problem identification, idea generation, solution development, and evaluation.
  • Understand problem identification: pinpoint what needs to be addressed or improved.
  • Recognise idea generation: brainstorm different possible solutions unconstrained by traditional barriers.
  • Understand solution development: concisely determining and proposing the best solution based on the brainstorm.
  • Appreciate the importance of evaluation: it assesses the effectiveness of the proposed solution in resolving the issue.

Using Creative Problem-Solving in Art and Design

  • Discuss the role of creative problem-solving in concept creation: generates ideas that push boundaries and creates unique solutions to visual communication challenges.
  • Explain how creative problem-solving aids in the production stage: it can offer new techniques or materials that convey the concept effectively and visually appealing.
  • Understand the application of creative problem-solving in evaluating and refining art and design work: it can propose alterations or improvements to enhance the final outcome.

Delving Deeper: The Divergent and Convergence Thought Process

  • Delineate divergent thinking: a creative strategy employed during the idea generation phase to explore all possible solutions, Devising lots of new, varied ideas.
  • Understand convergent thinking: a critical strategy used during the evaluation phase to bring all the brainstormed ideas together to form a single, most effective solution.

Tools and Techniques in Creative Problem-Solving

  • Identify some common tools used in the process, e.g., mind mapping, brainstorming sessions, and SWOT analysis.
  • Discuss the use of digital technology in creative problem-solving: it can aid in developing and visualising solutions in new and innovative ways.
  • Understand how group collaboration can enhance creative problem-solving: it gathers diverse perspectives and potential solutions.

Critiquing and Reflecting on Creative Problem-Solving

  • Appreciate the need for a constructive critique in the process: it identifies strengths and weaknesses and promotes continued learning and refinement.
  • Understand how reflection on past problem-solving processes aids in developing and refining problem-solving skills: it allows learning from previous challenges and successes.
  • Recognise the significance of growth mindset in creative problem-solving: it encourages an attitude of continuous learning and adaptability, viewing challenges as opportunities to grow.

Course material for Art and Design, module Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design, topic Creative problem-solving

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