Higher Advanced Biology SQA

This subject is broken down into 50 topics in 3 modules:

  1. Cells and Proteins 19 topics
  2. Organisms and Evolution 19 topics
  3. Investigative Biology 12 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Advanced Biology

Cells and Proteins

Laboratory Techniques: Health and Safety

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Laboratory Techniques: Health and Safety

Laboratory Techniques: Health and Safety

General Lab Safety Rules

  • Never work alone in the lab. Always ensure there's at least one other person present.
  • Know the location and proper usage of all safety equipment, including the first aid kit, fire extinguisher, eye wash station, and safety shower.
  • Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). This should include a lab coat, safety glasses and gloves.
  • Be cautious of loose clothing and dangling items, they could get caught in equipment.
  • No eating, drinking, or applying of cosmetics in the lab to avoid chemical contamination.
  • Always wash hands thoroughly with soap after handling biological or chemical materials.

Handling Chemicals

  • Read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each chemical used. These explain the potential hazards and correct handling procedures.
  • Never smell or taste chemicals.
  • Always add acid to water when diluting sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, rather than the other way around, to prevent a violent exothermic reaction.
  • Only take as much chemicals or reagent as needed, avoid waste generation.

Handling Biological Samples

  • Always handle biological samples with proper aseptic technique to avoid contamination.
  • Treat all samples as potentially infectious.
  • Sterilise all equipment used for handling biological samples before and after use.

Disposal Procedures

  • All waste material should be disposed of in the appropriate waste containers as per lab regulations.
  • Biological wastes and chemicals must not be disposed of down the sink or in regular rubbish bins. They must be placed in designated waste containers.
  • Broken glass should not be picked up directly with hands but with a brush and dustpan, and should be disposed of in a designated sharps container.

Emergency Procedures

  • In case of a fire, know the location of all fire exits and evacuation routes.
  • Know the proper usage of a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep.
  • In case of a chemical splash in the eyes or on the skin, use the eye wash station or safety shower immediately and inform a supervisor.

Health and safety in the laboratory should never be taken lightly. Always ensure to exercise caution and to follow the above guidelines when working in a laboratory environment.

Course material for Advanced Biology, module Cells and Proteins, topic Laboratory Techniques: Health and Safety

Advanced Biology

Organisms and Evolution

Evolution: Fitness

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Evolution: Fitness

Understanding Evolutionary Fitness

  • Grasp the concept of evolutionary fitness, which is focused on reproduction and passing on genes to the next generation, rather than physical fitness or strength.
  • Familiarise with natural selection as a process where organisms with traits better suited to their environment have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing, hence passing on their beneficial traits to the next generation.
  • Understand the importance of both survival and reproduction in evolutionary fitness: surviving without reproducing doesn't contribute to the gene pool of the next generation.

Fitness and the Environment

  • Acknowledge that an organism's fitness depends on its environment, as different traits are advantageous in different settings.
  • Recognise that changes in the environment can lead to changes in which traits are advantageous, therefore affecting fitness.
  • Understand that fitness is a relative measure, dependent on the ability to survive and reproduce compared to other organisms in the population.

Genotype and Phenotype

  • Understand that genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism, while the phenotype includes all observable traits which are influenced by both genes and environment.
  • Realise that natural selection acts on phenotypes because they determine how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment.
  • Accept that there is often a range of phenotypes within a population due to genetic variation: some of these may be more fit for survival and reproduction.

Adaptation and Fitness

  • Understand that adaptations are traits that increase the fitness of an organism in its environment, resulting from the process of natural selection.
  • Acknowledge that these beneficial traits, or adaptations, become more common in the population over time due to their contribution to fitness.
  • Recognise that over many generations, this can lead to the evolution of new species, a process known as speciation.

Measuring Fitness

  • Identify reproductive success as the most accurate measure of fitness from an evolutionary perspective.
  • Understand that an organism's overall fitness includes both its personal reproductive success and the success of its relatives (known as inclusive fitness).
  • Appreciate that while difficult to measure directly, fitness can be estimated using proxies, like the number of offspring an organism has that survive to reproduce themselves.

Course material for Advanced Biology, module Organisms and Evolution, topic Evolution: Fitness

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