iGCSE Biology (Combined) Edexcel

This subject is broken down into 22 topics in 5 modules:

  1. The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms 2 topics
  2. Structure and Functions in Living Organisms 10 topics
  3. Reproduction and Inheritance 2 topics
  4. Ecology and the Environment 4 topics
  5. Use of Biological Resources 4 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Biology (Combined)

The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms

Characteristics of Living Organisms

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Characteristics of Living Organisms

Characteristics of Living Organisms

All living organisms share certain characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. These include:

  • Movement: All organisms move in some way. This can be obvious, as animals do when they walk or swim, or less evident, as with plants that turn towards light (phototropism) or whose flowers and leaves open or close in response to environmental stimuli.

  • Respiration: This is the process by which organisms release energy from food. It occurs in every living cell.

  • Sensitivity: All living organisms respond to changes in their environment. This is also known as responsiveness or irritability.

  • Growth: Organisms grow by increasing in size and/or number of cells. It happens throughout the life of an organism.

  • Reproduction: This characteristic is about the ability to produce offspring. Reproduction can be sexual (requiring two parents and the joining of special cells, gametes) or asexual (requiring only one parent).

  • Excretion: This is the removal of waste products from the metabolism of cells. Examples of excretions include sweat in humans, carbon dioxide from respiration, and oxygen from photosynthesis in plants.

  • Nutrition: This involves taking in nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, absorbing them, and assimilating them into the body. This includes eating and digestion in animals, and photosynthesis in plants.

Remember, all living organisms will display these seven characteristics at some stage of their existence, even though they may be carried out in different ways in different groups of organisms.

Course material for Biology (Combined), module The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms, topic Characteristics of Living Organisms

Biology (Combined)

Structure and Functions in Living Organisms

Co-ordination and Response

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Co-ordination and Response

Coordination and Response

  • Coordination refers to how our bodies link the information from different parts of the body and respond accordingly.
  • The nervous system and the endocrine system are the primary systems responsible for this.
  • Coordination in the body helps to maintain stability in varying environments, a concept known as homeostasis.

The Nervous System

  • Involves detecting changes in the environment (stimuli) and responding to them.
  • Consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (nerves connecting the central nervous system to the entire body).
  • When a stimulus is detected, nerves carry electrical signals, or nerve impulses, to and from the brain and spinal cord.

The Endocrine System

  • Comprises glands that secrete hormones into the blood; hormones travel to specific target cells in the body.
  • Endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries in women and testes in men.
  • Hormones regulate body functions like metabolism, growth, and reproduction.
  • An example is insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that controls blood glucose levels.


  • The body needs to maintain a stable internal environment, despite changes in the external environment; this is homeostasis.
  • Examples of homeostasis include regulation of body temperature, water balance, and blood sugar levels.
  • Both the nervous and endocrine systems play crucial roles in homeostasis by detecting changes and triggering responses.

Nervous Responses and Reflex Arcs

  • A reflex is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus.
  • Reflexes often involve a simple nerve pathway called a reflex arc, bypassing the brain to protect from harm.
  • Reflex actions ensure immediate response to potentially harmful stimuli, like touching something hot.
  • In a reflex arc, the pathway involves sensory, relay, and motor neurons.

Plant Responses to Stimuli

  • Plants respond to stimuli too, a process known as tropism.
  • Two main types of tropism are phototropism (response to light direction) and geotropism or gravitropism (response to gravity).
  • Phototropism causes shoots to grow towards the light and roots to grow away from it.
  • Gravitropism ensures roots grow downwards into the soil and shoots grow upwards against gravity.

Course material for Biology (Combined), module Structure and Functions in Living Organisms, topic Co-ordination and Response

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