A Level Chemistry AQA

This subject is broken down into 275 topics in 37 modules:

  1. Atomic Structure 6 topics
  2. Chromatography 12 topics
  3. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 15 topics
  4. Oxidation, Reduction and Redox Equations 12 topics
  5. Required Practical 1: Acid and Base Titration 13 topics
  6. Amount of Substance 4 topics
  7. Required Practical 2: Enthalpy Change 12 topics
  8. Bonding 5 topics
  9. Required Practical 3: Rate of Reaction by Temperature Change 15 topics
  10. Energetics 3 topics
  11. Required Practical 4: Identification of Anions and Cations 10 topics
  12. Kinetics, Equilibria and Redox Reactions 4 topics
  13. Required Practical 5: Distillation of Cyclohexene 15 topics
  14. Required Practical 6: Tests for Organic Functional Groups 10 topics
  15. Thermodynamics 5 topics
  16. Rate Equations and Kp 5 topics
  17. Required Practical 7: Rate of Reaction by Initial Rate of Reaction 15 topics
  18. Electrode Potentials and Cells 3 topics
  19. Required Practical 8: Measuring EMF 12 topics
  20. Acids, Bases and pH 5 topics
  21. Required Practical 9: pH Curves 15 topics
  22. Periodicity 1 topics
  23. Required Practical 10: Preparation of an Organic Solid 12 topics
  24. Group 2 and Group 7 Elements 5 topics
  25. Required Practical 11: Identify Transition Metal Ions 12 topics
  26. Period 3 Elements and Oxides 1 topics
  27. Required Practical 12: Thin Layer Chromatography 11 topics
  28. Transition Metals 8 topics
  29. Introduction to Organic Chemistry 2 topics
  30. Alkanes and Halogenoalkanes 4 topics
  31. Alkenes and Alcohols 5 topics
  32. Organic Analysis 2 topics
  33. Isomerism and Carbonyl Compounds 5 topics
  34. Aromatic Compounds and Amines 2 topics
  35. Polymers 2 topics
  36. Amino Acids, Proteins and DNA 3 topics
  37. Further Synthesis and Analysis 4 topics
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This page was last modified on 9 January 2025.

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Atomic Structure

Atomic Structure: The Atom

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Atomic Structure: The Atom

Understanding the Atom

  • An atom is the smallest constituent unit of matter that retains the properties of a chemical element.
  • It consists of a dense nucleus made up of protons and neutrons, surrounded by a cloud of electrons.
  • The total number of protons in an atom's nucleus defines the element and is called the atomic number.
  • The sum of protons and neutrons is called the mass number.
  • Protons and neutrons are collectively known as nucleons.

Electron Arrangement

  • Electrons inhabit regions around the nucleus called energy levels or shells.
  • The arrangement of electrons in these shells is known as the electron configuration.
  • The first energy level can hold a maximum of 2 electrons, the second and third levels can hold a maximum of 8 electrons each, and higher levels contain more complex arrangements.
  • The distribution of these electrons follows the Aufbau Principle, the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and Hund's Rule.


  • Isotopes are atoms of the same element (same atomic number) but with different numbers of neutrons, hence different mass numbers.
  • The atomic mass of an element is the weighted average of the masses of its isotopes.


  • Ions are charged particles that are formed when an atom gains or loses electrons.
  • An atom that loses an electron and thus carries a positive charge is a cation.
  • An atom that gains an electron and thus carries a negative charge is an anion.


  • Certain isotopes, known as radioisotopes, are unstable and shed excess energy by emitting radiation, a process known as radioactive decay.
  • This decay can result in alpha (α), beta (β), or gamma (γ) radiation, each with different energies and penetration capabilities.

Quantum Theory and Quantum Numbers

  • The Quantum Mechanical Model is the current model of atom, where electrons are viewed as clouds of probability rather than particles in specific orbits.
  • The Principal Quantum Number (n), Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l), Magnetic Quantum Number (m), and Spin Quantum Number (s) are utilized in this model to describe the energies, shapes, orientations and spins of electron orbitals.

Course material for Chemistry, module Atomic Structure, topic Atomic Structure: The Atom


Required Practical 6: Tests for Organic Functional Groups

Testing for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Alcohols with Lucas Reagent

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Testing for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Alcohols with Lucas Reagent

Testing for Alcohol Types

  • Lucas reagent is a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) and zinc chloride (ZnCl₂).
  • It is used to differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols based on reactivity.

Reaction with Lucas Reagent

  • Tertiary alcohols react almost immediately, forming a cloudy white suspension or a separate layer within seconds.
  • Secondary alcohols react more slowly, taking a few minutes (5–10 minutes) to form the cloudy appearance.
  • Primary alcohols do not react readily with Lucas reagent and show little to no cloudiness after even extended time.

Mechanism Overview

  • The reaction involves protonation of the alcohol, followed by substitution to form an alkyl chloride.
  • Tertiary alcohols undergo this substitution rapidly because they form a stable tertiary carbocation.
  • Secondary carbocations are less stable than tertiary but more stable than primary, resulting in intermediate reactivity.
  • Primary carbocations, which are least stable, form slowly, if at all, leading to minimal reaction at room temperature.

Practical Considerations

  • Safety precautions should be observed as concentrated HCl is corrosive.
  • Perform the test in a well-ventilated area or fume cupboard to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.
  • Small volumes of alcohol and reagent are used to minimise risks.
  • Results may vary based on temperature and other reaction conditions.

Interpretation of Results

  • Immediate cloudiness indicates the presence of a tertiary alcohol.
  • Gradual cloudiness over a period of several minutes indicates a secondary alcohol.
  • No significant change suggests the presence of a primary alcohol.

This information aids in identifying and distinguishing the class of the alcohol, which is crucial for understanding their chemical behaviour and applications.

Course material for Chemistry, module Required Practical 6: Tests for Organic Functional Groups, topic Testing for Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Alcohols with Lucas Reagent

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