Level 3 Information Technology AQA

This subject is broken down into 46 topics in 6 modules:

  1. Principles of Computer Science 12 topics
  2. Applied Computer Science 7 topics
  3. IT Systems Development 7 topics
  4. IT in Business 6 topics
  5. Digital Media and Smart Systems 7 topics
  6. Networking and Cybersecurity 7 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Information Technology

Principles of Computer Science

Fundamentals of programming

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Fundamentals of programming

Fundamentals of Programming

Basic Concepts of Programming

  • Programming is the process of creating computer programs which perform specific tasks.
  • Program is a set of instructions that a computer follows in order to achieve a specific operation.
  • Language Syntax: These are the rules governing the structure of statements in a specific programming language.
  • Input and Output are the essential parts of any programming process; input represents the data a program receives while output signifies the data it produces.

Variables and Data Types

  • Variables are placeholders used to store information that can be changed during the course of a program.
  • Data Types: Variables can possess different types of data such as integers (whole numbers), floating point numbers (numbers with decimal points), Strings (sequences of characters), and Booleans (True/False).

Control Structures

  • Conditional statements (if statements): use conditions to decide what should happen next.
  • Loops (while, for): used when a certain block of code needs to be repeated multiple times.
  • Sequence: executing instructions in order.
  • Selection: deciding which path to take based on meeting a certain condition.

Functions and Subroutines

  • Functions/Subroutines: a named sequence of instructions that performs a certain task; functions can return a value whereas subroutines simply perform tasks without returning anything.
  • The use of functions and subroutines helps in code reusability and program organization.

Error Detection and Correction

  • Logic Errors: The program runs without crashing, but produces incorrect output.
  • Syntax Errors: The program contains invalid code that cannot be compiled.
  • Runtime Errors: Errors which occur while the program is running.


  • An algorithm is a step-by-step set of operations to be performed to solve a specific task or problem.
  • Algorithms can be represented in different ways, including flowcharts and pseudocode.

Course material for Information Technology, module Principles of Computer Science, topic Fundamentals of programming

Information Technology

IT Systems Development

Testing and evaluation

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Testing and evaluation

Understanding Testing and Evaluation in System Development

  • Testing and evaluation are central to the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), necessary for ensuring the system functions as intended.
  • The primary aim of testing is to identify and fix bugs or issues that could impede functionality or impede usability.
  • Conversely, evaluation focuses on examining the system's overall performance against the defined requirements and end-user expectations.
  • Both testing and evaluation contribute to guaranteeing a robust, trustworthy, and effective system that meets stakeholder needs.

Different Types of Testing

  • Testing can be broadly categorized into two types: functional testing and non-functional testing.
  • Functional testing focuses on whether the system is performing its intended functions. It evaluates the application by feeding it input and examining the output.
  • Non-functional testing, conversely, examines aspects that do not relate to specific behaviours, such as system performance, usability, accessibility, and security.

Key Techniques and Methodologies for Testing

  • Various methodologies exist for executing tests, including unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, and system testing.
  • Unit testing involves testing individual components of a system in isolation. It helps pinpoint issues at the earliest possible stage of development.
  • Integration testing checks whether separate system modules work correctly when they interact.
  • Regression testing is undertaken after modifications to a system or its components, ensuring existing functionality hasn't been unintentionally disrupted.
  • System testing is a complete end-to-end test of the system, checking if it meets the defined requirements.

Essential Aspects of Evaluation

  • Evaluation should always be performed with a clear set of measurement criteria.
  • This typically encompasses factors such as usability, functionality, compatibility, efficiency, maintainability, and reliability.
  • Evaluation often involves user acceptance testing (UAT) where the system is handed over to users under controlled conditions to see whether it meets their needs.

Reporting and Rectifying Issues

  • Proper documentation of all issues found during testing is critical. Reports should include details about the bug, the input that caused it, and the expected vs. actual outcome.
  • Rectifying issues often requires reworking the codes and re-testing to ensure the issue has been completely resolved.

Role of Testing and Evaluation in SDLC Phases

  • The testing phase occurs after coding to ensure that the developed system matches the documented requirements.
  • Evaluation most often occurs during the user acceptance testing (UAT) phase, although evaluations can happen at multiple points throughout the SDLC.
  • The results of both testing and evaluation feed back into the SDLC, often leading to further development work to resolve and improve issues.

The Importance of Testing and Evaluation

  • Thorough testing and evaluation help businesses save time, money, and resources by discovering problems early, when they are easier and less expensive to resolve.
  • They ensure that the final product is robust, user-friendly, and serves its intended purpose, reducing the risk of system failure or poor user acceptance.

Course material for Information Technology, module IT Systems Development, topic Testing and evaluation

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