A Level Design and Technology OCR

This subject is broken down into 35 topics in 9 modules:

  1. Identifying Requirements 3 topics
  2. Learning from Existing Products 4 topics
  3. Implications of Wider Issues 6 topics
  4. Design Thinking and Communication 3 topics
  5. Material and Component Considerations 3 topics
  6. Technical Understanding 6 topics
  7. Manufacturing Processes and Techniques 5 topics
  8. Viability of Design Solutions 3 topics
  9. Health and Safety 2 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Design and Technology

Identifying Requirements

Exploring contexts

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Exploring contexts

Exploring Contexts

Purpose and Outcomes

  • Understanding the purpose of exploring contexts is to gain valuable insights into the problem area, stakeholders, and potential solutions.
  • Outcomes from this exploration may include the identification of user needs, technical requirements, and any constraints or opportunities for design.

Problem Identification

  • The first step in exploring contexts is identifying a problem that requires a solution.
  • Designers use their understanding of the world, user needs, and technical possibilities to identify problems that can be solved by design.
  • Robust problem identification involves considering the context, the resources available, and the needs of stakeholders.

Use of Research

  • Research is an invaluable tool. This could include market research, interviews with potential users or subject matter experts, use-case studies, and environmental scans.
  • The aim of research when exploring contexts is to gather evidence that will guide and inform the design process.

Stakeholder Identification

  • An essential part of exploring contexts involves identifying the stakeholders related to the problem.
  • Stakeholders can include users, clients, businesses, or any parties that may affect or be affected by the problem or the proposed solution.
  • Understanding stakeholder needs, views, and limitations is fundamental to the success of a design project.

Uncovering Constraints and Opportunities

  • Further exploration of contexts uncovers any constraints or opportunities related to the problem or solution.
  • Constraints may be budgetary, legal, environmental, or technical and can have a significant impact on the project.
  • Opportunities could include new technologies, favourable market trends, changing user behaviours, etc.
  • Identification of both constraints and opportunities help shape the brief and the subsequent design process.

Contextual Factors

  • Exploring contexts broadly means considering factual, sensory, emotional, and social aspects related to the problem and its impacts.
  • Recognising these factors and how they might impact the project is a critical part of exploring contexts.


  • Constantly reflect on the insights gained from exploring contexts.
  • Reflection can help identify missing information, reassess previously made assumptions, and determine the next steps in the design process.

By thoroughly exploring contexts in this way, designers can ensure that solutions are meaningful, user-focused, and have a high probability of success.

Course material for Design and Technology, module Identifying Requirements, topic Exploring contexts

Design and Technology

Material and Component Considerations

Considering properties and characteristics of materials

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Considering properties and characteristics of materials

Understanding Properties and Characteristics of Materials

Types of Materials

  • Familiarise yourself with different categories of materials, such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, smart materials, and others.
  • Understand the specific characteristics of these categories and their potential applications.

Material Properties

  • Learn about specific properties of materials, like tensile strength, conductivity, hardness, toughness, flexibility, ductility, and malleability.
  • Be able to define what these properties entail, how they are measured, and why they are important in design and manufacturing.

Material Testing

  • Get to know different methods of testing materials to determine their properties, such as tensile tests, hardness tests, impact tests, and others.
  • Comprehend how these tests work, what they measure, and how their results can inform material choice.

Material Suitability

  • Gain knowledge about the importance of selecting materials suitable for the intended application considering their properties.
  • Know how to compare and contrast different materials based on their properties to determine their suitability for various design contexts.

Material Modification

  • Learn how altering material properties through processes like heat treatment, work hardening, or addition of substances can broaden its usability.
  • Understand that finding alternate uses for a single material can reduce costs, minimise waste, and increase product versatility.

Characteristics and Behaviour

  • Understand the characteristics and behaviours of materials under different conditions, such as temperature extremes, stress, or chemical exposure.
  • Acknowledge how these factors can influence material choice for various applications.

Material Database

  • Understand the usefulness of a material database in making informed decisions regarding material selection.
  • Realise that a material database can provide valuable data, such as processing and machining information, that can enhance design decisions.

Impact of Material Choice

  • Reflect on the implications the choice of a particular material can have on product life cycle, environmental sustainability, and economic considerations.
  • Contemplate on how appropriate material selection can contribute to product success both in terms of functionality and market acceptance.

Course material for Design and Technology, module Material and Component Considerations, topic Considering properties and characteristics of materials

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