KS1 7+ Owl Tutors

This subject is broken down into 106 topics in 13 modules:

  1. Speaking and Listening 5 topics
  2. Reading 9 topics
  3. Writing 20 topics
  4. Maths 9 topics
  5. Addition and Subtraction 5 topics
  6. Multiplication and Division 5 topics
  7. Fractions 6 topics
  8. Measurement 10 topics
  9. Properties of Shapes 8 topics
  10. Stastistics 2 topics
  11. Interpersonal skills (18 months before the exam) 8 topics
  12. Interpersonal skills (12 months before the exam) 7 topics
  13. Interpersonal skills (6 months before the exam) 12 topics
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  • 13
  • 106
  • 13,603
    words of revision content
  • 1+
    hours of audio lessons

This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Speaking and Listening

I can ask relevant questions

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I can ask relevant questions

Understanding the Question

  • Listen actively to the speaker and gather key information. This will form the basis of your questions.

  • Comprehend the topic in its entirety. You should have a clear understanding to enable better engagement through questioning.

  • Recognise the context of the discussion. Determine what is appropriate and relevant before asking questions.

Questioning Techniques

  • Be familiar with open and closed questions. Use open questions to create discussion, while closed questions can confirm facts or end discussions.

  • Practice information checking. Try to confirm if your understanding is correct through indirect questioning.

  • Understand the importance of probing questions. These are follow-up questions designed to explore the topic in more detail.

  • Try leading questions sparingly. These are useful for guiding a conversation, but can also appear biased if overused.

Etiquette of Questioning

  • Be polite and respectful when asking questions. Interruptions should be avoided.

  • Maintain eye contact with the speaker. This can show engagement and interest.

  • Use relevant body language and facial expressions that suit the conversation. This demonstrates active listening.

  • Allow time for the speaker to answer. Be patient and give the speaker adequate room to express their perspective.

Checking Understanding

  • After a response, seek clarification if there is anything you do not understand.

  • Comment on what was said. Paraphrase your understanding of the speaker's points to confirm comprehension.

  • Summarise regularly. This helps check your understanding and also shows you are actively following the conversation.

Feedback and Reflection

  • Seek feedback regarding your questioning skills. This can be from teachers, classmates, or family members.

  • Reflect on your conversation. Think about how your questions contributed to the understanding of the topic.

  • Regularly review and practice where you can enhance your questioning technique. Practice makes perfect in developing relevant questioning skills.

Course material for 7+, module Speaking and Listening, topic I can ask relevant questions


Multiplication and Division

I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

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I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

Understanding Multiplication Facts

  • Multiplication is a repeated addition process. For example, 3 multiplied by 4 (3x4) means you're adding 3 four times (3+3+3+3).

  • The multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 are key building blocks for advanced calculation skills. Spend time on practising and memorising them.

  • Familiarize yourself with the pattern each multiplication table follows. For example, all multiples of 2 end in an even digit (0,2,4,6,or 8).

Applying Division Facts

  • Division is the equal distribution of items into a certain number of groups. For instance, 10 divided by 2 (10 ÷ 2) implies you're placing 10 items into 2 equal groups.

  • Remember that division is the inverse of multiplication. This means you can check your division answers by multiplying the quotient and the divisor.

  • Know that any number divided by 1 remains the same, and any number divided by itself is 1. Division by zero, however, is undefined.

Recognising Odd and Even Numbers

  • An even number is any integer that can be divided by 2 without leaving a remainder. They end with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 in the ones place.

  • An odd number is an integer that is not divisible by 2. Odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 in the ones place.

  • Understand that the product of two even numbers, two odd numbers, or an even and an odd number is always even. The exception is when an odd number is multiplied by an odd number; the result is an odd number.

Utilise these facts to boost your confidence in multiplication and division tasks. Also, developing quick recognition of odd and even numbers can streamline your solving process and lead to quicker and more accurate answers.

Course material for 7+, module Multiplication and Division, topic I can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers

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