National 5 French SQA

This subject is broken down into 14 topics in 4 modules:

  1. Society 5 topics
  2. Learning 2 topics
  3. Employability 2 topics
  4. Culture 5 topics
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  • 4,401
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  • 34+
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Family and Friends

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Family and Friends

Family Relationships

  • Understand and use vocabulary related to family members such as 'mère' (mother), 'père' (father), 'soeur' (sister), 'frère' (brother), etc.
  • Be able to describe physical characteristics (e.g. 'Elle a les cheveux bruns' means 'She has brown hair') and personality traits (e.g. 'Il est timide' stands for 'He is shy') of family members.
  • Know how to express relationships within the family, for instance, 'Je m'entends bien avec ma sœur' (I get along well with my sister).

Friends and Peer Relationships

  • Master expressions and phrases associated with friendship such as 'meilleur ami' (best friend), 'cercle d'amis' (circle of friends), etc.
  • Can talk about activities done with friends (e.g. 'Nous allons au cinéma ensemble' means 'We go to the cinema together'), the significance of friendship (e.g. 'Les amis sont très importants pour moi' implies 'Friends are very important to me').
  • Be able to express opinions about friends' attributes or behaviours using 'je pense que' (I think that) or 'à mon avis' (in my opinion).

Changes in the Family

  • Comprehend a variety of vocabulary linked to changes in the family such as 'mariage' (marriage), 'divorce', 'naissance' (birth), 'décès' (death), etc.
  • Golden phrases to discuss changes could be: 'Mes parents ont divorcé l'année dernière', which means 'My parents divorced last year' and 'Ma tante va se marier le mois prochain' stands for 'My aunt is getting married next month'.
  • Aware of how to express one's feelings towards a change, e.g., 'Je suis triste parce que' (I am sad because) or 'Je suis heureux que' (I am happy that).

Issues and Resolutions

  • Learn phrases related to conflict and resolution such as 'Je suis en colère' (I am angry), 'Nous devons parler' (We need to talk), 'Nous avons résolu notre conflit' (We have resolved our conflict).
  • Understand how to discuss resolutions such as 'Je vais essayer de' (I will try to) and 'Nous avons décidé de' (We have decided to).
  • Comprehend cultural differences and resemblances within a French-speaking family context, be it a nuclear, blend or extended family.

Course material for French, module Society, topic Family and Friends




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Job Applications

  • To describe job applications, the French phrases are 'demandes d'emploi' or 'candidatures'.
  • When changing careers, you might want to say 'Je veux changer de carrière' (I want to change my career).

Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • The term for responsibilities in French is 'responsabilités' while roles translate to 'rôles'.
  • A common phrase to describe your responsibilities might be 'Mes responsabilités incluent...' (My responsibilities include...).
  • If you're being promoted, you'd say 'Je suis promu' while a demotion would be 'Je suis rétrogradé'.


  • If you are looking for a job, you would say 'Je cherche un emploi' (I'm looking for a job).
  • Being unemployed can be stated as 'Je suis au chômage' in French.
  • The French for unemployment rate is 'taux de chômage' and to say that the unemployment rate is rising, you'd say 'Le taux de chômage augmente'.


  • Retirement in French is 'la retraite' and a retiree is referred to as 'un retraité'.
  • The phrase for going into retirement is 'prendre sa retraite', as in 'Mon père a pris sa retraite l'année dernière' (My father retired last year).
  • Talking about pensions, you would use the term 'pension de retraite'.


  • French for voluntary work is 'le travail bénévole', and a volunteer is a 'bénévole'.
  • If you offer to volunteer, you might say 'Je souhaite faire du travail bénévole' (I want to do voluntary work).
  • Talking about what you've gained from volunteering, for instance, you could say 'Le travail bénévole m'a aidé à développer mes compétences de leadership' (Volunteering has helped me develop my leadership skills).

Course material for French, module Employability, topic Jobs

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