Pre-U French CAIE

This subject is broken down into 34 topics in 6 modules:

  1. Language 4 topics
  2. Society 6 topics
  3. Culture 6 topics
  4. Education and Employment 6 topics
  5. Environment 6 topics
  6. Politics 6 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Nouns & Articles

  • Understand the concept of genders in French. All nouns are either masculine or feminine. The gender of a noun affects the form of adjectives, pronouns and verbs that are used with it.
  • Identify definite articles, which are 'le' for masculine nouns, 'la' for feminine nouns and 'les' for plural nouns.
  • Learn indefinite articles 'un' for masculine, 'une' for feminine and 'des' for the plural form of both.


  • Know the French subject pronouns: je (I), tu (you), il/elle/on (he/she/one), nous (we), vous (you) and ils/elles (they).
  • Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns: Consider that often, the object pronouns come before the verb in French. Understand how and when to use me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les, lui and leur.
  • Manage Reflexive Pronouns that are used with reflexive verbs. These include me, te, se, nous, vous, and se.

Verbs & Conjugation

  • Understand Regular Verb Conjugation: French has three regular verb patterns denoted by their infinitive endings '-er,' '-ir,' and '-re.'
  • Master Irregular Verb Conjugation: Be cautious of verbs that do not follow regular conjugation patterns including être, avoir, aller, faire, and venir.
  • Learn The Subjunctive Mood: Understand how and why to use the subjunctive mood in French, often necessary after expressions of doubt or uncertainty.

Adjectives & Adverbs

  • Know how to form French Adverbs by adding -ment to the feminine form of adjectives.
  • Become aware of Adjective Placing: In French, most adjectives come after the noun they modify, but there are several exceptions to this rule.
  • Understand the Agreement of Adjectives: Remember that adjectives must agree with the noun they modify in gender and number.


  • Understand the use of Prepositions of Place: Learn how to use à, en, au, aux, sur, dans, sous, devant, derrière, etc. to describe location.
  • Master the Prepositions of Time: Know the difference between à, en, pendant, depuis, de, and du to describe time frames.

Sentence Construction

  • Master the Questions Forming Techniques: In French, one can invert the verb and subject to form a question, or use question words such as qui, que, où, quand, pourquoi, etc.
  • Be comfortable with Negation: Understand how to form negative structures using ne...pas, ne...jamais, and ne...rien.
  • Learn the Connectives: Words such as mais, et, car, donc are used to connect sentences or thoughts together.

Remember, regular practice is the key to language proficiency. Practice speaking, writing, and reading in French as much as possible.

Course material for French, module Language, topic Grammar


Education and Employment

Work and Unemployment

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Work and Unemployment

Employment in France

Standard Working Hours

  • In France, the standard working week is 35 hours.
  • The 35-hour workweek was introduced in 2000 as part of reforms aimed at reducing unemployment.
  • However, many people work longer hours, with overtime often necessary in many professions.

Types of Employment Contracts

  • French employers can offer two main types of contracts: Contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI), or permanent contract, and Contrat à durée déterminée (CDD), or fixed-term contract.
  • The CDI is the traditional full-time permanent employment contract, offering stability and full employment rights.
  • The CDD is used for specific, temporary tasks, with a fixed end date.

Employee Rights and Protections

  • French workers have extensive employment rights, including protection against unfair dismissal, the right to join a trade union, and the right to strike.
  • French law mandates a minimum wage, known as SMIC (Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance).


  • Unemployment is a significant issue in France, with joblessness rates traditionally much higher than the UK or Germany.
  • The 'chômage' or unemployment rate is calculated as a proportion of the economically active population who are not in employment.
  • Unemployed individuals are entitled to state benefits through the Pôle emploi (Employment Centre).

French Job Market

Sectors of Economy

  • France has a diverse economy with significant representation in agriculture, manufacturing, and services.
  • The service sector is the largest, providing jobs in everything from retail and hospitality to banking, consultancy, and tech.

Job Search and Application

  • Job-searching in France often involves online job boards, recruitment agencies, and networking.
  • Application typically involves a CV and cover letter, just as in the UK. However, French CVs often include a passport-sized photo of the applicant.


  • The internship (stage) is a common first step into employment for young people in France.
  • Internships offer valuable experience, and many lead to job offers.

Language Skills

  • Speaking English in addition to French can provide a significant advantage in the French job market, particularly in multinational companies or those dealing with overseas trade.

Entrepreneurship in France

Setting Up a Business

  • France offers several options for setting up a business, including entreprise individuelle (sole trader), société anonyme (limited company), and société par actions simplifiée (simplified stock company).

Start-Up Culture

  • France has a growing start-up culture, particularly in the tech sector.
  • The government provides support for start-ups, including tax credits, grants, and financing assistance.

Course material for French, module Education and Employment, topic Work and Unemployment

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