General Studies
Culture and Society
Social structures and processes
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Social structures and processes
Society and Structure
- Societies consist of a complex network of structures such as families, schools, governments, and businesses. These structures shape the way societies function and influence individual behaviour.
- The structures of societies are interdependent and interconnected, with changes in one potentially influencing changes in others.
- Additionally, social structures are dynamic, constantly evolving as societies develop and change over time.
Social Processes
- Social processes are the ways in which individuals and groups interact and communicate within a society and the patterns of behaviour that develop as a result.
- Social processes include cooperation, the process of working together to the same end, and conflict, the process of disagreement or competition.
- There are also social processes of change, such as social mobility, which refers to the movements of individuals, families, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society.
Power, Status and Role
- Power refers to the ability of an individual or group to influence others and effect change. There are various sources of power including control of resources, social relationships, institutional roles, and knowledge and skills.
- Status is the social position that a person occupies within a social structure. It is often determined by factors such as wealth, profession, or education level.
- A Role is a set of expectations about the behaviours and attitudes that people should exhibit in a particular social position.
- Institutions are structures of a society necessary for the survival of a society, such as the family, education, government, and religion.
- They maintain the order and coherence of social life by providing established patterns for behaviour.
- Institutions have a normative function, producing standards and rules, and a sanctioning function, enhancing conformity to these standards.
Individual and Society
- The relationship between individual and society is a key element of sociology. An individual’s choices and behaviours are influenced by the society they live in and, conversely, individuals shape and change society.
- This interaction leads to a simultaneous process of individualization: individuals becoming independent from broad social identities, and social integration: individuals fitting into existing social structures.
Remember, understanding the key constructs of social structures and processes is essential for understanding the wider societal issues covered in the Culture and Society section.