Global Citizenship
Politics and Governance
Democracy, State and Sovereignty
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Democracy, State and Sovereignty
- Democracy is a form of government where power lies with the people; all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.
- Distinguishing features of democracy include free and fair elections, majority rule, protection of minority rights, and respect for basic human rights.
- Direct democracy involves all citizens making decisions on every issue, while representative democracy involves elected individuals making decisions on behalf of their constituents.
- Democracy relies on citizen participation, equality, political tolerance, accountability, transparency, regular free and fair elections, and economic freedom.
- A state typically consists of a territory, population, government and sovereignty.
- The state has the power to enact laws within its territory, and the capacity to enforce them.
- The state is responsible for maintaining law and order, providing public services, and protecting its citizens.
- States can have various forms of government such as monarchy, republic, dictatorship, or democracy.
- Sovereignty refers to the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources.
- Sovereign states are able to make their own laws, regulate their own territories, control their borders, and conduct their own foreign policy.
- Sovereignty can be transferred or shared, such as in the case of joining an international organization like the European Union.
- In international law, respect for sovereignty is a cornerstone principle, but it can be challenged by issues like human rights or instances of international aggression.
The relationship between Democracy, State and Sovereignty
- In a democratic state, sovereignty is vested in the people. They exercise this through the process of voting and electing their leaders who then make decisions on their behalf.
- The state functions as the vehicle by which the democratic desires of the public are implemented.
- Sovereignty allows a democratic state to make and implement laws without external interference.
- Democracy, state, and sovereignty are strongly interconnected in the functioning of a successful country. Democracy allows citizens to voice their opinions and make decisions, the state implements and enforces these decisions, while sovereignty guarantees that the state can do so independently.