This subject is broken down into 70 topics in 10 modules:

  1. Vocabulary - General 5 topics
  2. Vocabulary - Me, Friends and Family 6 topics
  3. Vocabulary - Free-Time Activities 6 topics
  4. Vocabulary - Technology in Everyday Life 3 topics
  5. Vocabulary - Where You Live 9 topics
  6. Vocabulary - Lifestyle 3 topics
  7. Vocabulary - Social and Global Issues 3 topics
  8. Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism 5 topics
  9. Vocabulary - Study and Employment 6 topics
  10. Grammar 24 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Vocabulary - General

Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities

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Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities

German Vocabulary: Numbers and Quantities

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

  • Make sure to learn cardinal numbers – these are used to quantify things, for examples: 'one', 'two', 'three', and so on. German cardinal numbers from 1 (eins) to 20 (zwanzig) are unique and need to be memorised individually.
  • Numbers from 21 (einundzwanzig) onwards follow a pattern where the digit number is followed by the tens place, reverse of English.
  • Apart from cardinal, German also uses ordinal numbers, which describe the order of things such as first (erste), second (zweite), and third (dritte). These numbers end with 'te' up to 19 and change to 'ste' from 20 onwards.

Fractions and Percentages

  • Learn how to express fractions and percentages in German. Half is 'die Hälfte', a third is 'ein Drittel', a quarter is 'ein Viertel'. 'Prozent' is used for percentage.

Quantifying Words and Units

  • Quantifying words in German include 'einige' (few/some), 'mehrere' (several), 'viel' (a lot/much), 'wenige' (a few), and 'genug' (enough).
  • Familiarize yourself with terms for masses and quantities - 'Gramm' (grammes), 'Kilogramm' (kilogrammes), 'Liter' (litres), 'metre' (metres).

Decimal Expression and Time

  • Germans use 'Komma' for expressing a point or decimal.
  • Be confident with expressing dates and times. Germans use 'halb' differently than 'half' in English. 'Halb drei' would mean half an hour before three, or 2:30.


  • While discussing prices, the words 'Euro' and 'Cent' are used as in English.

Revision Techniques

  • Regular practise is crucial in mastering German numbers and quantities, as they are everywhere in daily communication. Try to incorporate them into simple sentences to gain confidence.
  • Use flashcards, listening exercises and online quizzes to engrave these terms into your memory. It's not enough to just be familiar with these terms, you must be able to recall them with ease.

Course material for German, module Vocabulary - General, topic Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities


Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

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Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

Orte besuchen (Visiting places)

  • Learn vocabulary related to different types of places one can visit, such as die Stadt (the city), das Land (the country), die Berge (the mountains), der Strand (the beach), das Dorf (the village) or der Wald (the forest).

Sehenswürdigkeiten (Sightseeing)

  • It's important to recognise words relating to sights and landmarks, including der Dom (the cathedral), das Schloss (the castle), der Themenpark (the theme park), die Kunstgalerie (the art gallery), das Museum (the museum) or der Zoo (the zoo).

Unterkunft (Accommodation)

  • Recognise words for different types of accommodation such as das Hotel (the hotel), die Jugendherberge (the youth hostel), der Campingplatz (the campsite), die Ferienwohnung (the holiday apartment), or die Villa (the villa).

Verkehrsmittel (Modes of Transport)

  • Be familiar with words for different transport methods, such as das Flugzeug (the aeroplane), der Zug (the train), das Auto (the car), das Fahrrad (the bike), die Fähre (the ferry), der Bus (the bus).

Aktivitäten im Urlaub (Holiday activities)

  • Know how to discuss holiday activities such as schwimmen (swimming), wandern (hiking), segeln (sailing), tauchen (diving), sonnenbaden (sunbathing), lesen (reading).

Wetter (Weather)

  • Know weather-related phrases as they are often used in travel and tourism context. Practice phrases such as es ist sonnig/heiß/warm/kalt (it is sunny/hot/warm/cold), es regnet/schneit (it is raining/snowing).

Richtungen (Directions)

  • Being able to understand and give directions is a vital part of travel vocabulary. Words to know include links (left), rechts (right), geradeaus (straight on), um die Ecke (around the corner), gegenüber (opposite).

In conclusion, remember, practise makes perfect. Frequent revisiting and using these vocabulary words in sentences will help you remember these words and improve your overall German proficiency. Make flashcards, practise reading and writing sentences, and listening to spoken German. The more exposure, the better.

Course material for German, module Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism, topic Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

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