Vocabulary - General
Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities
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Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities
Numbers 0-10
- Null: Zero
- Eins: One
- Zwei: Two
- Drei: Three
- Vier: Four
- Fünf: Five
- Sechs: Six
- Sieben: Seven
- Acht: Eight
- Neun: Nine
- Zehn: Ten
Numbers 11-20
- Elf: Eleven
- Zwölf: Twelve
- Dreizehn: Thirteen
- Vierzehn: Fourteen
- Fünfzehn: Fifteen
- Sechzehn: Sixteen
- Siebzehn: Seventeen
- Achtzehn: Eighteen
- Neunzehn: Nineteen
- Zwanzig: Twenty
Numbers 21 and above
- Understand the pattern for numbers 21-99: for example, 21 is said as "einundzwanzig", literally meaning one and twenty.
- Hundert: Hundred
- Tausend: Thousand
Ordinal Numbers
- Erste: First
- Zweite: Second
- Dritte: Third
- Vierte: Fourth
- Fünfte: Fifth
- Sechste: Sixth
- Siebte: Seventh
- Achte: Eighth
- Neunte: Ninth
- Zehnte: Tenth
- Ein halb: A half
- Ein viertel: A quarter
- Einige: A few
- Viele: Many
- Wenige: Few
- Alle: All
- Mehrere: Several
- Keine: None
Successful mastery of numbers and quantity vocabulary can significantly enhance your communication skills in German. Try to practise by incorporating these words into your daily routine and conversations to increase fluency.