Vocabulary, Use of Language, Speaking
Numbers and Quantities
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Numbers and Quantities
Basic Counting
- Null (0) to Zeigt (10) - These are fundamental numbers for general counting and quantities.
- Elf (11) to Zwanzig (20) - Building on the basics, knowing up to 20 allows a wider range of counting and numeracy.
- Notice how numbers 13-19 end with '-zehn'. This will help remember them.
- Dreißig (30), vierzig (40), ... hundert (100), tausend (1000) - Multiples of ten and larger quantities.
Ordinal Numbers
- These are 'first', 'second', 'third', etc. and in German they mostly end in '-te' or '-ste'.
- Exceptions include erste (1st), dritte (3rd) and siebte (7th).
Fractions and Decimals
- Halb (half), Drittel (third), Viertel (quarter) - Key fractions to know.
- Komma (point) - used in place of a decimal point.
Everyday Quantities
- Viel (much/many), wenig (little/a few), mehr (more) - Common words for vague quantities.
- Genug (enough), zu viel (too much), zu wenig (too little) - Quantities relative to what is needed or desired.
Measurements and Units
- Meter, Kilometer, etc. - Most units of measurement are the same as in English, but pronounced in the German way.
- Pfund (pound) for weight and Liter for volume - Be familiar with metric and non-metric units.
- Grad (degrees), Quadratmeter (square meters) - Used for temperature and area respectively.
Time and Money
- Uhr (o'clock), halb (half past, but be aware this is used differently to English), Viertel nach/vor (quarter past/to) - Telling the time.
- Tag, Woche, Monat, Jahr - Days, weeks, months, years.
- Euro und Cent - Currency units. Be sure to use 'und' instead of 'point' for amounts like €3,50.
Quantity Expressions
- Ein Paar (a pair), einige (some), viele (many), alle (all) - Expressing unspecified quantities.
- Jeder (every), hälfte (half), meisten (most) - More expressions to describe quantities.
Remember, always practise pronunciation and contextual use of these vocabulary items to build confidence in speaking.