Everyday Life
Daily Routine
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Daily Routine
Vocabulary: Daily Routine
- aufstehen means 'to get up'
- sich anziehen means 'to get dressed'
- Frühstück essen indicates 'to eat breakfast'
- zur Schule gehen means 'to go to school'
- Unterricht haben translates to 'to have lessons'
- Mittagessen is 'lunch'
- Hausaufgaben machen means 'to do homework'
- zu Abend essen translates to 'to eat dinner'
- ins Bett gehen is 'to go to bed'
Time of Day
- Morgens refers to 'in the morning'
- am Vormittag is 'in the late morning'
- Mittags is 'at noon'
- am Nachmittag means 'in the afternoon'
- Abends refers to 'in the evening'
- Nachts is 'at night'
Talking about Routine
- In Perfekt tense, use haben or sein as the auxiliary verb depending on the main verb used.
- Ich habe gefrühstückt. - 'I had breakfast.'
- Sie ist ins Bett gegangen. - 'She went to bed.'
- Wir haben Hausaufgaben gemacht. - 'We did homework.'
Common phrases in Routine
- Um wie viel Uhr...? - 'At what time...?'
- Ich muss um 7 Uhr aufstehen. - 'I have to get up at 7 o'clock.'
- Nach der Schule spiele ich Fußball. - 'After school, I play football.'
- Vor dem Abendessen lese ich ein Buch. - 'Before dinner, I read a book.'
- Use nach, vor, um, um...herum and gegen for time expressions.
Remember to always practice speaking and writing sentences to get comfortable using these words and phrases. Mix and match different verbs, times and activities to create a variety of sentences for your daily routine. This will not only help you in your revision but also improve your overall German fluency.