iGCSE German Edexcel

This subject is broken down into 70 topics in 10 modules:

  1. Vocabulary - General 5 topics
  2. Vocabulary - Me, Friends and Family 6 topics
  3. Vocabulary - Free-Time Activities 6 topics
  4. Vocabulary - Technology in Everyday Life 3 topics
  5. Vocabulary - Where You Live 9 topics
  6. Vocabulary - Lifestyle 3 topics
  7. Vocabulary - Social and Global Issues 3 topics
  8. Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism 5 topics
  9. Vocabulary - Study and Employment 6 topics
  10. Grammar 24 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Vocabulary - General

Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities

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Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities

General Numbers

  • Zero in German is Null.
  • One to ten in German is Eins, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Fünf, Sechs, Sieben, Acht, Neun, Zehn.
  • Eleven to twenty in German is Elf, Zwölf, Dreizehn, Vierzehn, Fünfzehn, Sechzehn, Siebzehn, Achtzehn, Neunzehn, Zwanzig.
  • The multiples of ten from 30 to 100 in German are Dreißig, Vierzig, Fünfzig, Sechzig, Siebzig, Achtzig, Neunzig, Hundert.
  • Thousand in German is Tausend.
  • Million in German is Million.

Large Numbers

  • Large numbers are often expressed as multiple hundreds rather than in thousands. For example, 1800 might be referred to as achtzehnhundert rather than ein tausend acht hundert.
  • However, thousands can be used when clarifying specific quantities, for example zwei tausend (2000) or drei tausend (3000).


  • Half in German is Halb.
  • Quarter in German is Viertel.
  • Most in German is meisten.
  • Few in German is wenig.
  • All or everything in German is alle or alles.
  • More in German is mehr, while less is weniger.

Date and Time

  • For numbers associated with dates and time, remember that, except 1 and 0, all numbers under 13 in dates and times use informal counting. So, it's ein Uhr (one o'clock) but zwei Uhr (two o'clock).
  • For half-hours, Germans count up to the next hour. For example, 2:30 is not "two thirty" but halb drei (half way to three).

Course material for German, module Vocabulary - General, topic Vocabulary - General: Numbers and Quantities


Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

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Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

Where to Go (Wohin gehen)

  • der Urlaubsort - The holiday resort
  • der Campingplatz - The campsite
  • die Insel - The island
  • die Sehenswürdigkeit - The sightseeing attraction
  • die Küste - The coast
  • der Strand - The beach
  • die Berge - The mountains
  • das Gebirge - The mountain range
  • der Wald - The forest
  • das Meer - The sea

Places to Stay (Wo bleiben)

  • das Hotel - The hotel
  • die Jugendherberge - The youth hostel
  • das Ferienhaus - The holiday home
  • die Ferienwohnung - The holiday apartment
  • die Pension - The guesthouse
  • das Bed and Breakfast - The bed and breakfast
  • der Wohnwagen - The caravan

Transportation (Transport)

  • das Flugzeug - The airplane
  • der Zug - The train
  • die U-Bahn - The underground train
  • das Taxi - The taxi
  • das Schiff - The ship
  • das Fahrrad - The bike
  • der Bus - The bus
  • das Auto - The car

Activities (Aktivitäten)

  • die Stadt besichtigen - To tour the city
  • am Strand liegen - To lie on the beach
  • wandern gehen - To go hiking
  • Fotos machen - To take photos
  • sich sonnen - To sunbathe
  • schwimmen gehen - To go swimming
  • segeln gehen - To go sailing
  • ski laufen - To ski

By mastering the vocabulary within these four categories: where to go, places to stay, transportation, and activities, you will have a good foundation to discuss travel and tourism in German. Remember to not only memorise the words but also practice their pronunciation and usage in sentences.

Course material for German, module Vocabulary - Travel and Tourism, topic Travel and Tourism: Where to Go

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