Classical Greek
The definite article
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The definite article
The Definite Article
The definite article in Greek corresponds to "the" in English.
It agrees in gender, number and case with the noun it modifies.
It has three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter.
Each gender has four cases: nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative.
Forms of the Definite Article
Nominative Singular: ὁ
Genitive Singular: τοῦ
Dative Singular: τῷ
Accusative Singular: τὸν
Nominative Plural: οἱ
Genitive Plural: τῶν
Dative Plural: τοῖς
Accusative Plural: τούς
Nominative Singular: ἡ
Genitive Singular: τῆς
Dative Singular: τῇ
Accusative Singular: τήν
Nominative Plural: αἱ
Genitive Plural: τῶν
Dative Plural: ταῖς
Accusative Plural: τάς
Nominative Singular: τό
Genitive Singular: τοῦ
Dative Singular: τῷ
Accusative Singular: τό
Nominative Plural: τά
Genitive Plural: τῶν
Dative Plural: τοῖς
Accusative Plural: τά
Key Usage Notes
Unlike English, Greek often uses the definite article with proper names.
The definite article is also used before adjectives that are used substantively, i.e., as nouns.
The article can also appear with infinitives, with a participle acting as a substantive, with adverbs, with a clause that is acting as a noun, and with prepositions.