A Level Health and Social Care WJEC

This subject is broken down into 43 topics in 7 modules:

  1. Promoting Quality Care 6 topics
  2. Communication in Health and Social Care 7 topics
  3. Promoting Good Health 5 topics
  4. Safeguarding Children (SC) 6 topics
  5. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (SVA) 6 topics
  6. Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care 6 topics
  7. Research Methods in Health and Social Care 7 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Health and Social Care

Promoting Quality Care

Rights of individuals

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Rights of individuals

Rights of Individuals

  • Every individual is entitled to fair and equal treatment. This includes freedom from discrimination based on race, religion, gender, disability, or age.
  • Right to life and wellbeing: All individuals have the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. This includes access to medical care, proper nutrition, and an environment conducive to health.
  • Right to respect and dignity: Individuals should always be treated with respect and their dignity upheld. This includes privacy, the right to make decisions about personal care, and the right to be involved in decisions affecting one's own health or care.
  • Right to freedom and security: This includes protection from abuse or neglect, the right to move freely, and the right to live in safety.
  • Right to information: Individuals should have access to comprehensive information about their health and care, in a format they understand. They should be informed about all aspects of their treatment, including risks and benefits.
  • Right to communication: Individuals have the right to communicate freely. For individuals who may need extra support due to language barriers or disabilities, appropriate assistance or adjustments should be made.
  • Right to participation in society: Every individual has the right to play a full part in society. This includes the right to education, employment, community participation, and the right to practice one's culture, language, and religion.
  • Right to complaints and redress: If one's rights are violated, there should be avenues to lodge complaints and seek resolution. Access to justice for infringements of rights is essential.
  • Right to advocacy: Individuals, particularly those vulnerable or at risk, should have access to advocates who can support and represent their rights and interests.

The Care Value Base

  • The Care Value Base is a set of principles or values applied in healthcare settings to uphold individuals' rights.
  • Promoting equality and diversity: Care providers must respect individuals' unique identities and needs. They should actively challenge discrimination and promote inclusivity.
  • Maintaining confidentiality of information: Information about individuals must be kept confidential, shared only when necessary and with the individual's informed consent.
  • Promoting individuals' rights and beliefs: Care providers must respect individuals' values, beliefs, and rights. They should promote the individual's right to make choices about their own care, considering their best interests.
  • Promoting effective communication and relationships: Care providers should foster open, honest communication and build trusting relationships with individuals.
  • Providing individualised care: Care should be tailored to the individual's specific needs and preferences. This includes personalised care plans and ensuring care is person-centred.
  • Working in partnership with others: Effective care involves collaboration with other professionals, organisations, and the individual to ensure seamless and comprehensive care.

Course material for Health and Social Care, module Promoting Quality Care, topic Rights of individuals

Health and Social Care

Safeguarding Children (SC)

Supporting children through the safeguarding process

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Supporting children through the safeguarding process

Supporting Children Through the Safeguarding Process

General Principles

  • The best interests of the child are always to be put first during the safeguarding process.
  • Every child has the right to be listened to and their views and feelings should be considered seriously when making decisions.
  • The child should be provided information and support in a manner suitable for their age and understanding.
  • Practitioners need to communicate with the child tactfully and sensitively, considering language, communication styles and cultural context.

Identification of concerns

  • Frontline workers in healthcare, education and social care fields play an important role in identifying worrying signs of abuse or neglect.
  • If concerns arise, the worker would notify a safeguarding officer, who would coordinate a professional response.
  • Concerns can manifest as changes in behaviour, appearance, academic performance, or emotional state of a child.
  • Existing plans (care, education, etc.) must be reviewed and updated given new info or changes in circumstances.

Working with Families

  • Not all concerns lead immediately to a child protection enquiry. Early support can try to deal with difficulties within the family and avoid escalation.
  • Professionals should aim to work collaboratively with parents or caregivers, unless it’s not safe to do so.
  • They need to be honest about their concerns and decisions, and respect the family's culture and experiences.
  • Plans and support should aim to strengthen the capacity of parents to provide better care for the child.

Inter-agency Working

  • Clear communication and cooperation between different agencies (such as social services, education, police, health) is crucial to safeguarding children.
  • Each agency should clearly understand their role and responsibilities and how they fit into the wider safeguarding system.
  • Regular sharing of information and updates about the child’s wellbeing is essential.

Supportive Measures and Intervention

  • There might be requirement for temporary or permanent alternate care placement if staying home isn't in child’s best interest.
  • Provisions for special requirements (disability, cultural, language barriers, etc.) need to be made.
  • Counseling, therapy or support groups can be provided to help the child deal with their trauma and emotional distress.
  • A child may need medical check-up, treatment or observation, especially in cases of physical abuse or neglect.
  • In severe cases, legal action may be required against the abuser(s).

Remember, the aim is to ultimately ensure the child's safety and wellbeing. It's often a long process requiring professional patience, tact, collaboration and a constant focus on the child’s best interests.

Course material for Health and Social Care, module Safeguarding Children (SC), topic Supporting children through the safeguarding process

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