Core Vocabulary and Structures
Personal Identifications
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Personal Identifications
Personal Identifications
Basic Self-Introduction
- Nama saya... means "My name is..."
- Saya berasal dari... can be used to express "I come from..."
- Umur saya... tahun means "I am... years old"
- Use Saya tinggal di... for "I live in..."
Physical Descriptions
- Tinggi means "tall" and pendek refers to "short"
- Use gemuk for "fat" and kurus for "thin"
- Dia berambut... can be used to describe hair colour. Hitam is "black", Cokelat is "brown", Merah is "red" and Blonde is "blonde"
- Dia bermata... can be used to describe eye colour. Hitam is "black", Cokelat is "brown", Biru is "blue" and Hijau is "green"
Personal Characteristics
- Dia sopan for "He/She is polite"
- Dia peramah indicates "He/She is friendly"
- Use Dia rajin to indicate "He/She is diligent"
- Dia pemalas for "He/She is lazy"
Family and Relationships
- Saudara stands for "siblings". Use Saudara laki-laki for 'brothers' and Saudara perempuan for 'sisters'
- Ayah is "father" and Ibu is "mother"
- Use Nenek for "grandmother" and Kakek for "grandfather"
- Teman translates to "friend",
- Pacar stands for "boyfriend/girlfriend",
Professions and Occupations
- Professions can be expressed with Dia seorang... followed by the profession
- Guru means "teacher"
- Dokter stands for "doctor"
- Insinyur translates to "engineer"
- Pelajar is "student" and Pekerja stands for "worker"