A Level Further Mathematics WJEC

This subject is broken down into 28 topics in 6 modules:

  1. AS: Further Pure Mathematics 5 topics
  2. AS: Further Statistics 2 topics
  3. AS: Further Mechanics 4 topics
  4. A2: Further Pure Mathematics 8 topics
  5. A2: Further Statistics 4 topics
  6. A2: Further Mechanics 5 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Further Mathematics

AS: Further Pure Mathematics

Complex Numbers

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Complex Numbers

Introduction to Complex Numbers

  • Complex numbers are an extension of the real numbers and contain all the numbers in the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit with the property that i² = -1.
  • Any complex number can be represented as a point in the complex plane, with the horizontal (real) axis representing the real part and the vertical (imaginary) axis representing the imaginary part.

Arithmetic with Complex Numbers

  • The standard rules of algebra apply to complex numbers, including commutativity, associativity, and distributivity.
  • Adding and subtracting complex numbers works component-wise, i.e., real parts with real parts and imaginary parts with imaginary parts.
  • When multiplying complex numbers, apply the FOIL method (first, outside, inside, last), remembering to substitute with -1 where necessary.

Modulus and Argument of Complex Numbers

  • The modulus of a complex number, represented as r, is the distance from the number to the origin in the complex plane. It is calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem: r = sqrt(a² + b²).
  • The argument of a complex number, represented as θ, is the angle that the line joining the number and the origin makes with the positive real axis, measured anti-clockwise. Applying trigonometry, tan(θ) = b/a.

Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers

  • The conjugate of a complex number is the number with the same real part but with an imaginary part of the opposite sign. If a complex number is a + bi, its conjugate will be a - bi.
  • Dividing complex numbers involves multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator, simplifying where possible.

Polar Form of Complex Numbers

  • A complex number can also be represented in polar form: z = r(cos θ + i sin θ), where r is the modulus and θ is the argument.
  • Euler’s formula provides a shortcut for transforming from Cartesian to polar form. According to this formula, e^(iθ) = cos θ + i sin θ.

De Moivre’s Theorem

  • De Moivre's theorem is powerful for making computations with complex numbers easier. It states that for any integer n, (cos θ + i sin θ)ⁿ = cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ).

Complex Roots

  • Polynomials can have complex roots, thanks to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. If a polynomial's real roots do not account for all its roots, the remaining roots will be complex.
  • To find these roots, set the polynomial equal to zero and solve for the variable. If you encounter a square root of a negative number, remember that this can be simplified using i.

Course material for Further Mathematics, module AS: Further Pure Mathematics, topic Complex Numbers

Further Mathematics

A2: Further Pure Mathematics

Further Calculus

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Further Calculus

Understanding of Further Calculus

  • Further Calculus: Delves deeper into the components of calculus, expanding on knowledge of differentiation and integration gained at AS Level.
  • Vector Function: A function that has a vector, rather than a scalar, as a dependent variable.
  • Partial Differentiation: A method where one variable is chosen for differentiation, while others are held as constant. Useful for functions with more than one independent variables.
  • Complex Numbers: A number that can be expressed in the form a + bi, where 'a' and 'b' are real numbers, and 'i' is the imaginary unit.

Advanced Techniques in Differentiation and Integration

  • Implicit Differentiation: A method used to find the derivative of a relation defined implicitly.
  • Integration by Parts: A special method of integration that is often useful when the standard methods do not apply. It follows from the product rule of differentiation.
  • Improper Integrals: Integrals which have an infinite limit or discontinuous integrand, requiring limit-based workarounds to solve.
  • Taylor Series: A representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point.

Further Properties and Techniques

  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus: A theorem that links the concept of differentiating a function with the concept of integrating a function.
  • Saddle Points: Points at which a function of two variables has a local minimum in one cross-section but a local maximum in a cross-section at a right angle to it.
  • Stationary Points: In calculus, a stationary point or point of stationarity of a differentiable function of one variable is a point on the graph of the function where the function's derivative is zero.

Applications of Further Calculus

  • Physics and engineering often involve problems where one needs to find maxima, minima or rates of change. Further Calculus provides necessary tools/techniques for such problems.
  • In economics, calculus is used in a multitude of ways such as cost-benefit analysis, understanding supply and demand interactions and modelling price elasticity.
  • In computer graphics, calculus is used for rendering, where they use differentiation to shade 3D models, based on light sources and viewer position.

Exposure to Maclaurin's Series

  • Maclaurin's series is a representation of a function as a power series centered at zero, involves the values of the function's derivatives at zero.
  • It’s a special case of the Taylor Series expansion where the expansion point is zero.
  • Quite often used to approximate a function, or to estimate the value of a function when the computation of the function is difficult.

Studying Differential Equations

  • A differential equation is an equation involving a function and its derivatives.
  • Distinguished into two types, ordinary differential equations (ODE) and partial differential equations (PDE) based on whether they contain ordinary or partial derivatives respectively.
  • Differential equations can describe various physical and natural phenomena like heat conduction, wave propagation, quantum mechanics etc.

Course material for Further Mathematics, module A2: Further Pure Mathematics, topic Further Calculus

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