iGCSE Additional Mathematics CAIE

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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Additional Mathematics



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Function Definitions and Properties

  • A function is a relationship between input and output values, where each input corresponds to exactly one output.
  • The set of all input values is known as the domain, while the set of output values is the range.
  • The input is often represented by the variable x, and the output by the variable y.

Types of Functions

  • A linear function has a constant rate of change. It is represented by the formula y = mx + c, where m is the slope, and c the y-intercept.
  • A quadratic function is defined by a polynomial of second degree. It is represented by the formula y = ax² + bx + c.
  • An exponential function is a function in which the variable appears in the exponent, such as y = a^x.
  • The logarithmic function is the inverse of the exponential function and has the form y = loga x.

Composition of Functions

  • When two functions are combined in such a way that the output of one becomes the input of the other, this is known as the composition of functions.
  • If f and g are functions, the composition of f and g is written as f(g(x)) or (f o g)(x), read as 'f of g of x'.

Inverse of a Function

  • The inverse of a function, denoted by f^-1(x), is a function that 'undoes' the action of the original function.
  • If a function f takes a value x and transforms it into y, its inverse function f^-1 takes the value y and transforms it back to x.

Graphs of Functions

  • The graph of a function is a visual representation of the relationship between input and output values.
  • All points (x, y) on the graph represent valid input-output pairs, where the x-coordinate corresponds to the input value and the y-coordinate to the output value.
  • Direction of graphs can be determined by viewing the left-to-right progression of a graph. If values of y increase as x increases, the function is said to be increasing. If the values of y decrease as x increases, the function is said to be decreasing.

Transformations of Functions

  • A function can be transformed by changing the form of its rule or equation.
  • Common transformations include translations (shifting the whole graph left, right, up, or down), stretches and compressions (altering the shape of the graph without changing its location), and reflections (flipping the graph about a line).

Course material for Additional Mathematics, module Core, topic Functions

Additional Mathematics


Straight Line Graphs

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Straight Line Graphs

Understanding Straight Line Graphs

  • A straight line graph represents a linear relationship between two variables.
  • It is defined using a linear equation, which can be written in the form: y = mx + c.
  • In such an equation, 'y' is the dependent variable (usually represented on the vertical axis), 'x' is the independent variable (usually on the horizontal axis), 'm' is the slope or gradient of the line, and 'c' is the y-intercept.

Interpreting and Creating Straight Line Graphs

  • The slope or gradient (m) of the line is a measure of the steepness of the line. It represents the change in 'y' for a one unit increase in 'x'.
  • A positive slope indicates an increasing line, while a negative slope indicates a decreasing line.
  • The y-intercept (c) is the value of 'y' when 'x' equals zero. This point is where the line crosses the y-axis.
  • To plot a straight line graph, you need to find at least two points that satisfy the equation and then draw a line through them.

Importance of Straight Line Graphs

  • Straight line graphs help in understanding the relationship between two variables. They show how the value of one variable changes as the other variable changes.
  • By studying the slope and y-intercept, one can interpret and predict the values of the variables.
  • Linear equations and straight line graphs are widely employed in various fields including physics, economics, and computer science.

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

  • Two lines are parallel if their slopes are equal. They will never intersect.
  • Two lines are perpendicular if the product of their slopes is -1. This means the slope of a line perpendicular to a line with a given slope 'm' is -1/m.
  • These concepts are vital as they help in geometric construction and solving problems involving angles and distances.

Course material for Additional Mathematics, module Core, topic Straight Line Graphs

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