Media Studies
Close Sutdy Products (CSPs)
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Close Sutdy Products (CSPs)
Understanding Close Study Products (CSPs)
- CSPs (Close Study Products) are a key set of texts that are studied in-depth as part of the Media syllabus.
- CSPs allow for a focused, detailed study of a single media product within its social, cultural, economic and historical context.
- These texts are diversified, covering various mediums such as film, TV, newspapers, online media, music videos, video games, and radio.
Analysis of CSPs
- Analysing CSPs involves understanding all elements of a media product from content to creation, distribution, reception, and context.
- There is an emphasis on how media language and representations contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the product.
- Study not only the media product but also its audience. Understanding how different audiences perceive, interpret, and engage with the text is crucial.
CSPs within an Industry Context
- CSPs should be examined within the wider media industry, considering factors such as funding, marketing, regulation, and technological impact.
- Understand how a product is influenced by the economy of its production - is it independently produced or backed by a large company?
- Delve into the technological contexts. How have advancements in technology affected the product’s creation, distribution and reception?
Discourses and Representations in CSPs
- Discussion of ideologies, values, and perspectives prevalent in the CSP are vital.
- Look at the portrayal of diverse groups and identities in the product. Analyse how these representations may perpetuate or challenge stereotypes.
- Evaluate and critically interpret discourses about gender, race, class, age, sexuality, and disability present in the CSP.
Comparison of CSPs
- Comparing and contrasting different CSPs is an effective method of understanding the broader media landscape.
- This comparison process might involve examining differences and similarities between CSPs in terms of their production, content, audience or context.
- Also, consider how different CSPs perform on a global stage - how are they received internationally? What are the cultural implications and how do they navigate censorship issues?
By focusing on these key issues during your review of Close Study Products (CSPs), you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the material. This will help you to draw informed conclusions about the media landscape as a whole.