GCSE Portuguese Edexcel

This subject is broken down into 47 topics in 5 modules:

  1. Identity and Culture 16 topics
  2. Local Area, Holiday and Travel 11 topics
  3. School 7 topics
  4. Future Aspirations, Study and Work 8 topics
  5. International and Global Dimension 5 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Identity and Culture

Who am I?: Relationships

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Who am I?: Relationships

Understanding Relationships

  • A strong understanding of relationships is key in tackling this topic. Be comfortable conversing and writing about friendship, love, marriage, divorce, and family dynamics in a holistic and realistic manner.
  • Vocabulary is critical. Learn a wide range of terms and expressions to describe relationships and feelings in various contexts.
  • Recognise the difference between formal and informal relationships to match with the appropriate level of formality.

Expressing Opinions about Relationships

  • Be able to express opinions about these topics clearly and interpersonally.
  • Use adjectives to describe personality traits and emotions associated with relationships.
  • Discuss various relationship status, justifying your preferences and/or negative and positive aspects using verbs in different tenses.

Culture and Relationships in Portugal

  • Understand cultural aspects of relationships in Portugal, factors that may shape relationships, how they are formed and the expectations within these relationships.
  • Be aware of Portuguese family structures, from nuclear to extended families and different cultural practices among them.
  • Learn about the importance of hierarchy in Portuguese society, the impact on relationships, and the respect for elders.

Comparative Analysis

  • Be comfortable making comparative analysis between British and Portuguese relationships, including cultural norms, traditions, and laws.
  • Understand how the view of relationships and social interactions can differ across cultures. This might mean understanding gender roles, expectations within family and friendship dynamics among others.
  • Show knowledge of some historical or contemporary influences on relationships and/or the perception of relationships in Portugal.

Topics of Debate

  • Understand and engage in contemporary topics of debate related to relationships; like same-sex marriages, divorce rates, single parent families and others.
  • Develop an ability to articulate personal viewpoints on these topics, providing logical arguments and supporting your views.
  • Use key facts and statistics to back your views, showing a well-rounded understanding of Portuguese society.

All these concepts ought to equip you with a comprehensive knowledge of relationships in Portugal and prepare you for a rounded discussion on this topic.

Course material for Portuguese, module Identity and Culture, topic Who am I?: Relationships


Local Area, Holiday and Travel

Town, Region and Country: Weather

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Town, Region and Country: Weather

Town, Region and Country: Weather


  • O tempo - Weather
  • Soleado - Sunny
  • Nublado - Cloudy
  • Chuvoso - Rainy
  • Nevoeiro - Fog
  • Neve - Snow
  • Frio - Cold
  • Quente - Hot
  • Agradável - Pleasant
  • Tempestade - Storm
  • Vento - Wind

Key Phrases

  • Qual é a previsão do tempo para hoje? - What is the weather forecast for today?
  • Está quente demais hoje - It's too hot today
  • Hoje está frio - It's cold today
  • Está chovendo - It is raining
  • Está nevando - It is snowing
  • O céu está nublado - The sky is cloudy
  • Tem sol - It is sunny

Sample Sentences

  • Amanhã vai estar soleado - Tomorrow it will be sunny
  • Faz sempre mau tempo nesta época do ano - It's always bad weather at this time of year
  • No inverno, neva muito aqui - In winter, it snows a lot here

Grammar Points

To talk about the weather in Portuguese, it's common to use the verb 'estar'. For example, Está calor (It’s hot). However, for some weather expressions, different verbs are used. If it's raining or snowing, you use 'Está a chover' or 'Está a nevar'. The verb 'fazer' is used to describe temperature, for example, Faz frio (it's cold).

Exam Tips

  • Ensure understanding of the different verbs used to talk about weather (estar, chover, nevar, fazer).
  • Remember weather vocabularies, adjectives and phrases. Use these to describe various weather conditions and the impact they could have on a variety of activities.
  • Take note of regional differences in weather and climate, as these can often be a topic of conversation in the speaking part of the exam.

Practice Questions

  1. Como se descreve diferentes condições climáticas em português?
  2. Como a previsão do tempo influencia planos de atividades ao ar livre?
  3. Escreva uma previsão do tempo para uma região de sua escolha em Portugal.
  4. Descreva as variações de clima ao longo das estações do ano em uma região em particular.
  5. Imagine que você está lidando com uma tempestade inesperada durante as suas férias em Portugal. Que tipo de conversa teria com os locais?

Course material for Portuguese, module Local Area, Holiday and Travel, topic Town, Region and Country: Weather

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