AP Spanish- Literature and Content College Board

This subject is broken down into 40 topics in 8 modules:

  1. El Boom latinoamericano 8 topics
  2. El Siglo XVII 5 topics
  3. El Siglo XVI 5 topics
  4. Escritores contemporáneos de Estados unidos y Espãna 4 topics
  5. La generación del 98 y el Modernismo 5 topics
  6. La literatura romántica, realista y naturalista 3 topics
  7. La época medieval 2 topics
  8. Teatro y poesía del siglo XX 8 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Spanish- Literature and Content

El Boom latinoamericano

Borges y yo - Jorge Luis Borges

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Borges y yo - Jorge Luis Borges

Borges y yo - Jorge Luis Borges: A Study Guide


  • El Boom Latinoamericano, otherwise known as the Latin American Boom, was a literary movement in the 1960s and 1970s that brought Latin American literature to the forefront globally. This era introduced novelists such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, and of course, Jorge Luis Borges.

  • Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges is renowned for his complex and intricate short stories and essays, often dealing with themes of infinity, parallel universes and the blurred boundaries of identity and reality.

  • "Borges y yo" is not a traditional narrative but more of a reflective essay where Borges ponders his public and private selves.

Key Themes and Concepts

  • Dual Identity: In "Borges y yo", Borges explores the duality in his identity as both a common man (yo, or I) and a famous writer (Borges). The tension between these two personas represents the broader concept of the human struggle between private self and public image.

  • Reality and Fiction: The text continually questions the distinction between reality and fiction, asking which is more authentic or 'real' - Borges the man or Borges the author. This theme of blurred boundaries is typical of Borges' works.

Key Quotes and Analysis

  • "Yo vivo, yo me dejo vivir, para que Borges pueda tramar su literatura y esa literatura me justifica.": The 'I' states that he lives so that Borges can create his literature. This suggests that the private self serves the public self, or that one's identity is justified or validated by their accomplishments.

  • "No sé cuál de los dos escribe esta página": The narrator confesses that he doesn't know who is writing the page, Borges or 'I', demonstrating the blurring of his two identities. This ambiguity reflects the overarching theme of duality and blurred boundaries.

Interpretation and Critical Thinking

  • Reflection on the Self: Borges by narrating a slice of his own life refocuses on introspection, subjectivity, and the role perception plays in understanding reality.

  • Symbolism: Look for recurring symbols or references in the text that could represent or mirror the struggle of dual identity. For example, Borges (the author persona) is associated with the instruments of literary production (books, manuscripts, etc.), while the narrator ('I') is linked with simple, everyday experiences (gardens, the Buenos Aires neighbourhood, etc).

Remember, "Borges y yo" is an excellent text for studying self-reflection in literature, the construction of identities, and the line between reality and fiction.

Course material for Spanish- Literature and Content, module El Boom latinoamericano, topic Borges y yo - Jorge Luis Borges

Spanish- Literature and Content

Escritores contemporáneos de Estados unidos y Espãna

… y no se lo tragó la tierra: "La noche buena"- Tomás Rivera

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… y no se lo tragó la tierra: "La noche buena"- Tomás Rivera

Tomás Rivera - …y no se lo tragó la tierra: "La noche buena"

Background Information

  • Tomás Rivera was an influential Mexican-American writer and academic, best known for his novel "...y no se lo tragó la tierra".
  • The book is a collection of vignettes, recounting the experiences of a young Mexican-American migrant farming family in the Texas region.
  • "La noche buena" is one of the stories in the collection.

Plot Overview

  • "La noche buena" is a story about a young boy who is forced to work on Christmas Eve to support his family.
  • The story represents a severe reality of the socio-economically disadvantaged communities, highlighting issues such as poverty, exploitation, and hardship.

Themes and Techniques

  • Reality of Migrant Life: Rivera portrays the harsh realities faced by migrant workers, particularly the children, who are forced to work due to their poor socio-economic conditions.

  • Childhood and Loss of Innocence: The protagonists of the story are children, representing the premature loss of innocence due to their enforced labour.

  • Symbolism: The title "La noche buena" (The Good Night) is a symbol for Christmas Eve, drawing a stark contrast between the joyous celebration of this event in mainstream society and the boy's reality of having to work.

Symbols and Metaphors

  • Christmas Eve: The event is a metaphor for joy, happiness, family union, contrasted with the loneliness, hardship and alienation experienced by the boy.

  • The Field: The field can be seen as a symbol of exploitation where children are made to work at an age where they should be celebrating festive occasions.

Language and Style

  • Rivera uses descriptive and evocative language to portray the bleakness of the situation.

  • Third-person narrative: The story is narrated from a third-person perspective, offering a detached observation of the boy's experiences, enhancing the sense of alienation and solitude.

Overall Interpretation and Analysis

  • "La noche buena" provides a heartbreaking snapshot of life from a marginalized community's perspective.
  • Rivera uses compelling storytelling and strong imagery to illustrate the contrast between the harsh reality faced by migrant workers and the contrasting celebrations of mainstream society.

Revision Focus

  • Understand the symbolism and metaphors used in the story.
  • Practice analysing the use of language and its impact on the reader.
  • Explore the socio-political issues touched upon in the story and their context in contemporary America.
  • Consider the life of Mexican-American migrant workers during the 20th century for further understanding.

Using these key points to revise Tomás Rivera's "La noche buena" will deepen your understanding of the text and assist you in forming your analytical skills.

Course material for Spanish- Literature and Content, module Escritores contemporáneos de Estados unidos y Espãna, topic … y no se lo tragó la tierra: "La noche buena"- Tomás Rivera

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