This subject is broken down into 13 topics in 3 modules:

  1. Identity, Lifestyle and Culture 5 topics
  2. Local, National and International and Global Areas of Interest 4 topics
  3. School Life, Studies and the World of Work 4 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Identity, Lifestyle and Culture

Myself and Family

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Myself and Family

Personal Information

  • El individuo: Describe your physical appearance, personality traits, age and name.
  • Los gustos y las aficiones: Discuss your interests, passions, hobbies and dislikes. Remember to use 'Me gusta/n' (I like) or 'No me gusta/n' (I don't like)
  • Los detalles: Share details like address, birthdate, and nationality.


  • Los familiares: Identify family members – parents, siblings, and extended family. Use appropriate names for family relationships, including madre (mother), padre (father), hermano/a (brother/sister) and abuelo/a (grandparent)
  • Las relaciones familiares: Talk about family relations, how you get on with family members. Me llevo bien con.. (I get on well with…) or Me peleo con.. (I fight with…).
  • Las descripciones: Describe the physical appearance and personality of members of your family.

Daily Routine

  • Las actividades diarias: Detail the activities you do throughout the day such as getting up, going to school, eating meals, homework, hobbies and bedtime.
  • Los tiempos: Make sure to indicate when you undertake each activity using the 24-hour clock.
  • Los verbos reflexivos: Remember to use reflexive verbs where appropriate in your routine like me levanto (I get up), me ducho (I shower) and me acuesto (I go to bed).

Relationships and Choices

  • Los amigos: Describe your friends, how you met them, what you do together and why you get along with them.
  • Las elecciones: Talk about the choices you make in your personal life, such as hobbies, subjects, future career choices and why you made those decisions.
  • El apoyo: Discuss the support and advice you get from family and friends, and your reactions to them.

Do not forget to employ different tenses where appropriate such as the present tense to describe your current situation, past tense to talk about memories and experiences in your past, and future tense to speculate on your future. Also, apply the subjunctive mood to express desires, doubts, and uncertainties.

Course material for Spanish, module Identity, Lifestyle and Culture, topic Myself and Family


Local, National and International and Global Areas of Interest

Social and Global Issues

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Social and Global Issues


  • Problemas Globales (Global Problems): Makes references to issues affecting the entire world, like "cambio climático" (climate change) or "hambre mundial" (world hunger).
  • Derechos Humanos (Human Rights): Know about different rights and the related vocabulary such as "libertad de expresión" (freedom of speech) and "derecho a la educación" (right to education).
  • Pobreza (Poverty): Understand different aspects of poverty, including "falta de vivienda" (homelessness) and "desempleo" (unemployment).
  • Medio Ambiente (Environment): Essential words include "reciclaje" (recycling), "contaminación" (pollution), and "energías renovables" (renewable energy).
  • Salud (Health): Understand words relating to health, like "dieta saludable" (healthy diet), "ejercicio" (exercise), and "estrés" (stress).

Key Phrases

  • Un problema importante en el mundo hoy es... (An important problem in the world today is…)
  • Es esencial que protejamos... (It is essential that we protect...)
  • Cada uno puede luchar contra la pobreza a través de... (Everyone can fight against poverty through...)
  • Los derechos humanos deben ser... (Human rights should be...)
  • Para tener una buena salud, debemos... (To have good health, we must...)

Key Grammar Points

  • Use the subjunctive mood to express wishes, doubts or advices, for example "Es importante que todos reciclemos más" (It's important that we all recycle more).
  • The conditional tense can be used to talk about hypothetical situations, e.g. "Si tuviera más dinero, donaría más a la caridad" (If I had more money, I would donate more to charity).
  • Understand how to use passive voice to discuss actions done by unspecified people or groups. For example, "Los derechos humanos son violados en algunas partes del mundo" (Human Rights are violated in some parts of the world).
  • Use Comparatives and Superlatives where possible to add depth to your sentences, e.g. "Fumar es más perjudicial que beber alcohol" (Smoking is more harmful than drinking alcohol).

Important Issues

  • Los problemas medioambientales (Environmental Problems): Discuss about the challenges facing the environment and potential solutions.
  • La desigualdad y la discriminación (Inequality and discrimination): Speak about the significance and the impact of these issues in society and how they could be addressed.
  • La pobreza y el desempleo (Poverty and unemployment): Understand the causes and effects of these problems, as well as possible solutions.
  • Los problemas de salud y el estilo de vida (Health problems and lifestyle): Discuss about health issues and how lifestyle choices can impact health.

Course material for Spanish, module Local, National and International and Global Areas of Interest, topic Social and Global Issues

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