GCSE Spanish Edexcel

This subject is broken down into 74 topics in 9 modules:

  1. General Stuff 5 topics
  2. About Me 9 topics
  3. Daily Life 6 topics
  4. Free Time Activities 5 topics
  5. Where you Live 3 topics
  6. Travel and Tourism 8 topics
  7. Current and Future Study and Employment 9 topics
  8. Global Issues 4 topics
  9. Grammar 25 topics
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  • 9
  • 74
  • 23,622
    words of revision content
  • 3+
    hours of audio lessons

This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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General Stuff


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  • Be fluent with basic Spanish number vocabulary from 0 to 100.
  • Learn to say, read and listen to numbers up to a million.
  • Recognize the difference in pronunciation between similar sounding numerals like 'trece' and 'treinta'.
  • Practice spelling and pronunciation of multiples of 10 (diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, etc.).
  • Understand the pattern of compound numbers from 21 onwards (e.g., veintiuno, veintidos .....)
  • Understand how to convey hundreds (cien, doscientos, trescientos, etc.).
  • Remember to modify hundreds to match gender, e.g. 'doscientas' for feminine.
  • Learn the words for thousand (mil) and million (un millón).
  • Know how numbers are used in dates and years.
  • Remember that in Spanish, a period is used to indicate thousands and a comma for decimals.
  • Be versatile with fractions and percentages, useful in commerce and finance discussions.
  • Remember the Spanish "y" is used where English uses "and" in numbers e.g "twenty three" translates to "veintitrés".
  • Learn ordinal numbers for expressing order or position, e.g. primero, segundo, tercero, etc.
  • Understand how to convey age, time and dates using numbers.
  • Practice listening to radio or TV news to get used to hearing large numbers.

Course material for Spanish, module General Stuff, topic Numbers


Current and Future Study and Employment

School Routine

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School Routine

  • Understand the key vocabulary related to the school routine such as the words for different types of school (colegio, escuela, instituto), subjects (ciencias, matemáticas, historia), school facilities (aulas, gimnasio, laboratorio), and school staff (profesor, director, conserje).

  • Review typical daily routines in a Spanish school, such as timings of the school day, and meal times. For example, a Spanish school day often starts around 9am and finishes around 2pm with a long lunch break.

  • Know the common phrases to talk about school activities such as "hacer los deberes" (to do homework), "estudiar para los exámenes" (to study for the tests), and "asistir a las clases" (to attend classes).

  • Be able to describe your school routine in various tenses - present (Hoy estudio matemáticas), past (Ayer estudié historia) and future (Mañana estudiaré ciencias).

  • Familiarise yourself with the vocabulary to express likes and dislikes about aspects of the school routine. For example, to express a preference for one subject over another, you might say "Me gusta más el español que las matemáticas" (I like Spanish more than Maths).

  • Practice using opinion phrases to discuss your school experience, such as "Creo que es importante" (I believe it's important), "En mi opinión" (in my opinion), or "A mi parecer" (It seems to me).

  • Learn the terms for different types of schools and educational systems. For instance, "educación primaria/secundaria" is primary/secondary education, and "bachillerato" relates to the final two years of secondary education in Spain.

  • Understand the different cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking countries, like the tendency for longer school days in Spain, with a siesta or rest period in the middle of the day.

  • Remember to use a variety of vocabulary, complex sentences, and a range of tenses in your responses to attain higher grades. Use connectives like 'por lo tanto' (therefore), 'sin embargo' (however), and 'además' (in addition), for sophistication.

  • Consider doing role-plays of dialogues within a school setting, such as a conversation between a teacher and a learner, or between two learners discussing their school day, to improve your speaking skills and pronunciation.

Course material for Spanish, module Current and Future Study and Employment, topic School Routine

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