General Stuff
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- Be fluent with basic Spanish number vocabulary from 0 to 100.
- Learn to say, read and listen to numbers up to a million.
- Recognize the difference in pronunciation between similar sounding numerals like 'trece' and 'treinta'.
- Practice spelling and pronunciation of multiples of 10 (diez, veinte, treinta, cuarenta, etc.).
- Understand the pattern of compound numbers from 21 onwards (e.g., veintiuno, veintidos .....)
- Understand how to convey hundreds (cien, doscientos, trescientos, etc.).
- Remember to modify hundreds to match gender, e.g. 'doscientas' for feminine.
- Learn the words for thousand (mil) and million (un millón).
- Know how numbers are used in dates and years.
- Remember that in Spanish, a period is used to indicate thousands and a comma for decimals.
- Be versatile with fractions and percentages, useful in commerce and finance discussions.
- Remember the Spanish "y" is used where English uses "and" in numbers e.g "twenty three" translates to "veintitrés".
- Learn ordinal numbers for expressing order or position, e.g. primero, segundo, tercero, etc.
- Understand how to convey age, time and dates using numbers.
- Practice listening to radio or TV news to get used to hearing large numbers.