The Basics
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Basic Numbers (Los Números Básicos)
- Zero is translated to 'cero'.
- One is 'uno'.
- Two is 'dos'.
- Three is 'tres'.
- Four is 'cuatro'.
- Five is 'cinco'.
- Six is 'seis'.
- Seven is 'siete'.
- Eight is 'ocho'.
- Nine is 'nueve'.
- Ten is 'diez'.
Numbers 11-20 (Los Números 11-20)
- Eleven is 'once'.
- Twelve is 'doce'.
- Thirteen is 'trece'.
- Fourteen is 'catorce'.
- Fifteen is 'quince'.
- Numbers from 16 to 19 are formed by adding 'dieci' before single digit numbers (eg. 'dieciséis').
- Twenty is 'veinte'.
Multiples of Ten (Los Múltiplos de Diez)
- Thirty is 'treinta'.
- Forty is 'cuarenta'.
- Fifty is 'cincuenta'.
- Sixty is 'sesenta'.
- Seventy is 'setenta'.
- Eighty is 'ochenta'.
- Ninety is 'noventa'.
- One Hundred is 'cien'.
Numbers above 100 (Los Números superiores a 100)
- For numbers above 100, write the number of hundreds followed by 'ciento' (eg. Two hundred is 'doscientos').
- One thousand is 'mil'.
- One million is 'un millón'.
Ordinal Numbers (Los Números Ordinales)
- Ordinal numbers are used to show order or position, such as first ('primero'), second ('segundo'), and third ('tercero').
Fractions and Decimals (Fracciones y Decimales)
- The word for half is 'medio'.
- The word for quarter is 'cuarto'.
- Decimal points are written as commas in Spanish, for example, 0.5 would be written as '0,5'.
Telling Time (Decir la Hora)
- To say the time in Spanish, use the singular form of 'hour' ('hora') for one o'clock and the plural form ('horas') for other hours (eg. 'son las dos' for it is two o'clock).
- To express minutes past the hour, use 'y'. For example, 'son las dos y diez' means it is ten past two.
- To express minutes before the hour (like 'quarter to two'), use 'menos'. For example, 'son las dos menos cuarto' for it is a quarter to two.