IB Spanish Ab Initio

This subject is broken down into 20 topics in 5 modules:

  1. Identities 4 topics
  2. Experiences 4 topics
  3. Human Ingenuity 4 topics
  4. Social Organization 4 topics
  5. Sharing the Planet 4 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Personal Attributes

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Personal Attributes

Personal Attributes

Understanding the Concept

  • Personal attributes refer to the individual characteristics, traits or qualities a person possesses.
  • They play a crucial role in defining one's identity and interaction with others.

Describing Personality in Spanish

  • Descriptions of personal attributes mainly revolve around adjectives.
  • When describing people in Spanish, the gender and number must be taken into account as adjectives should correspond to the noun they modify.
  • Some commonly used personal attributes in Spanish include: inteligente (intelligent), generoso (generous), divertido (funny), amable (kind), nervioso (nervous).

Describing Physical Appearance in Spanish

  • Depicting physical attributes is also an integral part of characterization.
  • Spanish vocabulary allows detailed descriptions of a person's eyes (ojos), hair (cabello), height (altura), and weight (peso).
  • For example, a tall girl with blond hair and blue eyes would be described as una chica alta con cabello rubio y ojos azules.

Other Vocabulary Related to Personal Attributes

  • Occupation or profession: trabajador (worker), estudiante (student), médico (doctor)
  • Age and life stages: joven (young), viejo (old), niño (child), adulto (adult)
  • Family and relationships: amigo (friend), familia (family), hermano (brother), madre (mother)

Sentence Construction

  • Use the verb 'ser' when defining or classifying a person.
    Eg. Ella es inteligente y divertida (She is intelligent and funny).
  • When using adjectives to describe someone, note the gender and number alignment. Eg. Él es un hombre trabajador (He is a hardworking man).

Practice Makes Perfect

  • Regularly practice building sentences and paragraphs describing various people.
  • This will help in improving fluency and confidence in using the Spanish language to define personal attributes.

Course material for Spanish, module Identities, topic Personal Attributes


Human Ingenuity


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Forms of Media

  • Periódico - Newspaper: Primary source of news on paper, delivered daily or weekly.
  • Revista - Magazine: Published periodically, often focusing on a particular topic or theme.
  • Televisión - Television: Provides news, entertainment shows, documentaries and sports on various channels.
  • Radio - Radio: Broadcasts news, music, and shows both locally and globally.
  • Redes Sociales - Social Media: Interactive platforms where content is created, shared and exchanged.

Expressions Related to Media

  • Leer el periódico - To read the newspaper: How one consumes news in print.
  • Mirar la televisión - To watch television: Describes the act of engaging with this form of media.
  • Escuchar la radio - To listen to the radio: The action associated with radio consumption.
  • Navegar por las redes sociales - To browse social media: Activity related to modern digital platforms.

Effects of Media

  • Informar - Inform: The media provides important information and updates about local, national and global happenings.
  • Influir en la opinión pública - Influence public opinion: The media can shape public sentiment and societal attitudes.
  • Promover la cultura - Promote culture: Media can propagate cultural context, ideas, and trends.

Issues in Media

  • Falta de objetividad - Lack of objectiveness: The media can be biased and fail to present a balanced viewpoint.
  • Sensacionalismo - Sensationalism: Overhyping of news or events to attract viewers/readers.
  • Privacidad - Privacy: Personal data may be compromised or misused by media platforms.

Future of Media

  • Digitalización - Digitalisation: Media platforms are increasingly transitioning to the digital realm.
  • Personalización de contenido - Content personalisation: Adjusting media output to cater to individual preferences and consumption habits.
  • Inteligencia artificial - Artificial intelligence: Future media may make use of AI for content creation and delivery.

Reinforce your command over the media-related terminology and construct sentences with them to enhance your fluency. Remember, repetition is key in language comprehension and retention. Best of luck with your revision!

Course material for Spanish, module Human Ingenuity, topic Media

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