iGCSE Spanish CAIE

This subject is broken down into 62 topics in 4 modules:

  1. Identity and Culture 22 topics
  2. Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest 16 topics
  3. Current and Future Study and Employment 6 topics
  4. Grammar 18 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Identity and Culture


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Basic Numbers

  • The Spanish numbers 0 - 10: cero (0), uno/una (1), dos (2), tres (3), cuatro (4), cinco (5), seis (6), siete (7), ocho (8), nueve (9), diez (10).
  • Spanish numbers 11 - 20: once (11), doce (12), trece (13), catorce (14), quince (15), dieciséis (16), diecisiete (17), dieciocho (18), diecinueve (19), veinte (20).


  • Spanish numbers 21 - 100: Verbally combine ten (diez) with units, e.g., veintiuno (21), veintidós (22), treinta y tres (33), cuarenta y cuatro (44), cincuenta y cinco (55), sesenta y seis (66), setenta y siete (77), ochenta y ocho (88), noventa y nueve (99), cien (100).
  • For number above 30, the units come after 'y' (and).


  • Hundred in Spanish is ciento.
  • From 200 - 900, combine number with hundred, e.g., doscientos (200), trescientos (300), cuatrocientos (400), quinientos (500), seiscientos (600), setecientos (700), ochocientos (800), novecientos (900).
  • These can be combined with tens and units, e.g., doscientos veintiuno (221).


  • Thousand in Spanish is mil.
  • To express multiple thousands, state the number and follow with 'mil', e.g., dos mil (2000), diez mil (10,000).

Larger Numbers

  • Million in Spanish is millón, with multiples expressed as 'millones', e.g., dos millones (2 million).
  • Billion in Spanish is mil millones or billón, depending on the country.

Important Points

  • Note that in Spanish, periods and commas are used as decimal and thousands separators differently than in English: 1.234,56 in Spanish = 1,234.56 in English.
  • Plurals of 'cien' and 'mil' are 'cientos' and 'miles' but only used when not followed by a specific number.
  • Una is used instead of uno before a feminine noun.
  • Remember Spanish numbers will agree in gender with the noun they modify.
  • Non-exact numbers and quantities are often expressed using 'millares' (thousands) or 'cientos' (hundreds) in Spanish. e.g., "millares de personas" means "thousands of people".

Course material for Spanish, module Identity and Culture, topic Numbers


Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest

Problems in Society

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Problems in Society

Vocabulary and Phrases

  • Problemas de la sociedad - Problems in society
  • La pobreza - Poverty
  • La desigualdad - Inequality
  • La discriminación - Discrimination
  • La violencia - Violence
  • La desempleo - Unemployment
  • Los derechos humanos - Human rights
  • El cambio climático - Climate change
  • El hambre - Hunger
  • La educación - Education

Discussing Social Issues

  • Muchos países luchan contra la pobreza extrema. - Many countries struggle with extreme poverty.
  • Vivimos en un mundo donde la desigualdad es evidente. - We live in a world where inequality is evident.
  • La discriminación por el género o la raza es un gran problema en muchas culturas. - Discrimination based on gender or race is a big problem in many cultures.
  • El desempleo es alto en algunas regiones, lo que contribuye a la pobreza y la delincuencia. - Unemployment is high in some regions, contributing to poverty and crime.

Local and National Issues

  • La violencia en nuestra comunidad necesita ser abordada. - The violence in our community needs to be addressed.
  • Nuestro país necesita mejorar en el reconocimiento y protección de los derechos humanos. - Our country needs to improve in recognising and protecting human rights.
  • La desigualdad de ingresos en nuestra nación es un problema creciente. - The income inequality in our nation is a growing issue.

Global Concerns

  • La desigualdad de género es un problema mundial. - Gender inequality is a global issue.
  • El cambio climático es una preocupación internacional que requiere acción global. - Climate change is an international concern that requires global action.
  • El hambre mundial es un problema que necesita soluciones urgentes. - World hunger is an issue that needs urgent solutions.
  • La educación beneficiaría a todos los niños del mundo, pero muchos no tienen acceso a ella. - Education would benefit all children in the world, but many do not have access to it.

Debate and Solutions

  • Debemos encontrar soluciones a la pobreza para mejorar la calidad de vida de todos. - We need to find solutions to poverty in order to improve everyone's quality of life.
  • La violencia se reduce con una educación de alta calidad y oportunidades para todos. - Violence is reduced with high-quality education and opportunities for everyone.
  • La discriminación se puede eliminar con conciencia y educación. - Discrimination can be eliminated with awareness and education.
  • Todos debemos actuar para mitigar el impacto del cambio climático. - We all need to act to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Course material for Spanish, module Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest, topic Problems in Society

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