National 5 Spanish SQA

This subject is broken down into 14 topics in 4 modules:

  1. Society 5 topics
  2. Learning 2 topics
  3. Employability 2 topics
  4. Culture 5 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Family and Friends

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Family and Friends

Section 1: Vocabulary on Family and Friends

  • La familia – Family is central to Spanish society. Know common phrases and words related to family such as los padres (parents), los hijos (children), el hermano/la hermana (brother/sister), el abuelo/la abuela (grandfather/grandmother) etc.
  • Los amigos – Friendship is pivotal in any society. Relevant words include el amigo/la amiga (friend), el mejor amigo/la mejor amiga (best friend), el compañero/la compañera de clase (classmate).
  • Adjectives to describe – Adjectives like generoso/a (generous), amable (kind), divertido/a (fun), aburrido/a (boring) to describe relationship dynamics.

Section 2: Constructing Sentences about Family and Friends

  • Use common phrases to talk about family relationships, such as: "Mi madre es muy amable" (My mother is very kind), or "Tengo dos hermanos mayores" (I have two older brothers).
  • Discuss a friend using phrases like: "Mi mejor amigo es muy divertido" (My best friend is very funny).

Section 3: Expressing Opinions

  • Using words like pienso que (I think that), creo que (I believe that), opino que (in my opinion) to express your views. For example: "Pienso que mi hermana es muy inteligente" (I think my sister is very smart).
  • Construct sentences that express differing opinions using pero (but) as in "Mi padre es muy estricto, pero es generoso" (My father is very strict, but he is generous).

Section 4: Discussing Activities with Family and Friends

  • Vocabulary related to activities such as el cine (cinema), el restaurante (restaurant), el parque (park), la casa (home) etc. For example: "Me gusta ir al cine con mis amigos" (I like going to the cinema with my friends).
  • Time and frequency words - siempre (always), nunca (never), a veces (sometimes), todos los días (every day).

Section 5: Discussing Problems and their solutions

  • Learn useful phrases to discuss problems and conflicts such as: "Tenemos una discusión" (We have a disagreement) or "Estamos enfadados" (We are angry)
  • Use of modals - debería (should) and podría (could) to suggest solutions. For instance: "Deberíamos resolver nuestros problemas hablando" (We should solve our problems by talking).

Course material for Spanish, module Society, topic Family and Friends




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Vocabulary and Expressions about Jobs

  • Trabajo – work/job
  • Empleo – employment
  • Jefe – boss
  • Compañeros de trabajo – work colleagues
  • Empleado – employee
  • Empleador – employer
  • Desempleado – unemployed
  • Horario – work schedule
  • Contrato – contract
  • Salario/sueldo – salary/wage
  • Entrevista de trabajo – job interview

Verbs Related to Jobs

  • Trabajar – to work
  • Ganar – to earn
  • Contratar – to hire
  • Despedir – to fire
  • Ascender/promover – to promote
  • Jubilarse – to retire
  • Solicitar un trabajo – to apply for a job
  • Ir a una entrevista de trabajo – to go to a job interview

Sentences in Context

  • "Estoy buscando trabajo." – I'm looking for a job.
  • "Soy empleado en una empresa grande." – I'm employed in a big company.
  • "Mi jefe es muy duro, pero justo." – My boss is very tough, but fair.
  • "Fui ascendido a director." – I was promoted to director.
  • "Pedí una aumento de salario." – I asked for a salary raise.
  • "Me ofrecieron un contrato permanente." – They offered me a permanent contract.

General Knowledge about Employability

Questions regarding jobs or professions can appear in different parts of the exam, either in the reading comprehension section or in the writing section. Some tasks might request you to give an opinion or talk about a personal experience related to jobs. Having a grasp of job-related vocabulary in Spanish, as well as being able to conjugate relevant verbs, is necessary for successfully accomplishing these tasks.

Course material for Spanish, module Employability, topic Jobs

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