Level 2 Sport and Physical Activity Cambridge Technical

This subject is broken down into 43 topics in 9 modules:

  1. Physical Activity, Health and Well-being 6 topics
  2. Anatomy and Physiology in Sport and Physical Activity 5 topics
  3. Safe Practices in Sport and Physical Activity 5 topics
  4. The Sport and Physical Activity Sector 5 topics
  5. Working in the Sport and Physical Activity Sector 5 topics
  6. Lifestyle Factors and their Impact on Health and Well-being (Optional) 5 topics
  7. Fitness Testing and Training for Sport and Physical Activity (Optional) 4 topics
  8. Sports Events (Optional) 4 topics
  9. Assist in the Delivery of Activity Sessions (Optional) 4 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Sport and Physical Activity

Physical Activity, Health and Well-being

Physical activity and health

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Physical activity and health


  • Physical activity: Any activity that involves body movement and burns calories. Includes everyday tasks like walking to work or school as well as sports and exercise.
  • Exercise: A subset of physical activity. Planned, structured and repetitive body movements performed to improve or maintain physical fitness.
  • Health: The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Benefits of Physical Activity

  • Improves Cardiovascular Health: Regular physical activity can help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by improving heart rate and lowering blood pressure.
  • Weight Management: Physical activity helps decrease the excess calories that can lead to weight gain.
  • Improves Mental Health: Physical activity releases endorphins - natural mood lifters.
  • Increases Longevity: Regular physical activity can increase life expectancy.

Types of Physical Activity

  • Aerobic Activity: Referred to as "cardio", includes activities like cycling, running, or swimming.
  • Muscle-strengthening Activity: Exercises specifically aimed at strengthening muscles, such as weight lifting or resistance exercises.
  • Bone-strengthening Activity: Activities that produce a force on the bones that aids their growth and strength. Examples include hopping, skipping, or weight-bearing sports such as netball or football.
  • Flexibility Exercises: These exercises improve the range of motion of muscles and joints. Example includes stretches or yoga.

Recommended Levels of Physical Activity

  • According to guidelines by the Department of Health and Social Care, children and adolescents should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.
  • Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, in addition to strength exercises on 2 or more days each week.

Barriers to Physical Activity

  • Lack of Time: One of the most frequently reported barriers to physical activity.
  • Lack of Motivation: Many people struggle with the motivation to start and maintain a physical activity routine.
  • Cost: Some forms of physical activity, such as gym memberships or fitness classes, might be unaffordable for some people.
  • Access: Lack of nearby facilities or safe places to exercise can be a barrier.
  • Health Conditions: People with chronic illnesses or disabilities may face additional challenges engaging in regular physical activity.

Techniques to Encourage Physical Activity

  • Making Physical Activity Enjoyable: Engaging in activities that one enjoys can increase the likelihood of maintaining them.
  • Goal Setting: Setting realistic and achievable goals can motivate people to get active.
  • Social Support: Support from family or friends can encourage physical activity.
  • Professional Guidance: Working with a physical trainer or a physiotherapist might be beneficial for some people.
  • Building Physical Activity into Daily Routine: Taking the stairs instead of the lift, or walking or cycling for short journeys, are simple ways to increase activity levels.

The Role of the Government in Promoting Physical Activity

  • Public Health Campaigns: Campaigns such as "Change4Life" and "This Girl Can" aim to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity.
  • Legislation: Legislation can encourage physical activity by promoting safe and accessible environments for activity.
  • School Curriculum: Physical Education (PE) is a compulsory part of the school curriculum to ensure children develop physically.
  • Funding: Local facilities and clubs often receive government funding to help make physical activity accessible and affordable.

Course material for Sport and Physical Activity, module Physical Activity, Health and Well-being, topic Physical activity and health

Sport and Physical Activity

Working in the Sport and Physical Activity Sector

Communication skills

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Communication skills

Communication Skills in the Sport and Physical Activity Sector

Importance of Communication

  • Communication is essential in promoting and maintaining active participation in sports and physical activities.

  • Good communication can boost motivation and positivity, creating a more engaging and effective environment.

  • Communication is crucial in educating participants about the rules, techniques and safety measures of different sports or activities.

Types of Communication

  • Verbal communication involves using clear, concise language when providing instructions or feedback.

  • Non-verbal communication includes the use of body language, gestures, demonstrations, or visual aids, to convey the correct technique or posture for a movement or activity.

  • Written communication, such as emails, reports, leaflets or social media postings, can be used to disseminate information, highlight accomplishments, or promote events.

Key Communication Skills

  • Clarity: Providing precise, clear instructions can help participants understand what they are expected to do.

  • Active listening: This is central to understanding the needs, concerns, or feedback of participants, and responding appropriately.

  • Adapting your language: Being able to explain complex techniques or ideas in simple language, or adapt your language to different age groups or capabilities, is important to ensure understanding.

  • Demonstration skills: Physical demonstration of an activity or technique can provide a powerful visual aid for participants.

Developing Communication Skills

  • Take part in workshops or courses designed to enhance your communication skills.

  • You can also learn from others: observe and learn from the communication strategies used by experienced professionals in the sector.

  • Practise, feedback and reflection all play a key role in developing and improving your communication skills.

Impact of Effective Communication

  • Enhances the learning experience for participants.

  • Keeps participants safe by ensuring they understand and follow instructions properly.

  • Increases participation rates and enjoyment of the activity.

  • Leads to stronger relationships with participants, thereby improving retention and loyalty.

Course material for Sport and Physical Activity, module Working in the Sport and Physical Activity Sector, topic Communication skills

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