National 5 Physical Education SQA

This subject is broken down into 26 topics in 2 modules:

  1. Performance 7 topics
  2. Factors Impacting on Performance 19 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Physical Education


A Repertoire of Skills (including Complex Skills)

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A Repertoire of Skills (including Complex Skills)

A Repertoire of Skills

  • Understand that a repertoire of skills refers to the range and variety of physical skills one has learnt and can perform reliably.
  • A broad repertoire of skills allows for versatility when performing in different contexts or situations.
  • When learning new skills, it's beneficial to practice in different scenarios to increase adaptability.

Complex Skills

  • Complex skills require a combination of different physical elements, such as balance, power, speed, and coordination.
  • Mastery of complex skills can significantly enhance performance in sports and physical activities.
  • Examples of complex skills include serving in tennis, a gymnastic routine, or the punt in rugby.

Developing Skills

  • Regular practice enhances one's skill development and flexibility.
  • Use of effective learning strategies, such as imagery, self-talk, and goal setting, can support skill acquisition.
  • It's crucial to receive feedback to review and improve performance. It can be subjective (from coaches or peers) or objective (recordings, statistics).

Skill Application

  • Apply skills learnt in various contexts, considering factors such as environmental conditions and pressure from opponents.
  • Developing strategic application skills, recognising when and where to use a particular physical skill, can significantly improve performance.

Skill Analysis

  • Understand the use of skill analysis in improving performance. It involves decomposing the skill into its component parts, observing the execution, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and devising strategies to enhance strength and improve weaknesses.

Course material for Physical Education, module Performance, topic A Repertoire of Skills (including Complex Skills)

Physical Education

Factors Impacting on Performance

Developing Performance: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

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Developing Performance: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Identifying Strengths

  • Identifying strengths is crucial in optimising performance. It involves recognising what an individual is good at in the context of physical activity.

  • Strengths can come in various forms, such as technical skills, mental resilience, physical attributes, and tactical knowledge amongst others.

  • The process helps players to optimise these areas and to use them to their advantage within their performance.

  • An appreciation of strengths can also enhance confidence and motivation, as players begin to understand what makes their performance effective.

  • Key strategies for identifying strengths include self-reflection, feedback from coaches or peers, videography, or statistical analysis.

Recognising Weaknesses

  • Recognising weaknesses is the other side of the coin and is equally significant in developing performance.

  • A weakness could be a particular skill, strategy, or physical attribute that is sub-optimal and may potentially hinder performance.

  • Uncovering these weaknesses enables targeted interventions to take place to improve these areas, which may include specific training, coaching, or instruction.

  • This can be a challenging aspect for performers due to the potential for defensiveness or denial. However, an open and growth mindset is key to acknowledging and addressing weaknesses.

  • A variety of assessment methods can be utilised to uncover weaknesses such as observation, self/peer reviews, and performance analysis.

Strategies for Improvement

  • Once both strengths and weaknesses have been identified, the next task is to devise strategies for improvement.

  • Strategies might target technical skills, psychological mindset, tactical understanding, physical fitness, or lifestyle factors among others.

  • These strategies should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to ensure progress is trackable.

  • Regular review and feedback sessions can help monitor progress and adjust strategies appropriately if necessary.

The Balance between Strengths and Weaknesses

  • It's important to strike a balance between focusing on strengths and addressing weaknesses. Ignoring one in favour of the other can lead to an unbalanced approach, and potential stagnancy.

  • Continually strengthening already proficient areas while neglecting weaknesses could lead to limited overall progress.

  • Conversely, focusing too much on weaknesses without recognising and capitalising on strengths may result in a lack of confidence and an unoptimized performance.

  • Therefore, carefully consider and balance the time, energy, and resources spent on both strengths and weaknesses for all-rounded performance enhancement.

Course material for Physical Education, module Factors Impacting on Performance, topic Developing Performance: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

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