Level 2 Patisserie and Confectionery BTEC

This subject is broken down into 42 topics in 10 modules:

  1. Food Safety, Health, and Hygiene 5 topics
  2. Basic Kitchen Operations and Methods 3 topics
  3. Biscuits and Cookies 4 topics
  4. Cakes, Sponges, and Scones 5 topics
  5. Pastries 4 topics
  6. Yeast-based Products 4 topics
  7. Desserts and Puddings 4 topics
  8. Chocolates and Confectionery 5 topics
  9. Cake Decoration 5 topics
  10. Cold and Hot Dessert Sauces 3 topics
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This page was last modified on 28 September 2024.

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Patisserie and Confectionery

Food Safety, Health, and Hygiene

Food safety regulations

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Food safety regulations

Food Safety Regulations

General Rules

  • Learning about the Food Safety Act 1990 is important; under this Act, all food businesses are required to provide safe food, with any activities posing a risk to human health deemed to be offences (this includes unsafe food, food unfit for human consumption or food that is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded).
  • The Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 have specific rules on how food businesses must be run to make sure that the food they produce is safe.
  • The General Food Regulations 2004 compels all food businesses to immediately withdraw unsafe food from sale, notify the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and effectively and accurately inform the consumer.

Specific Rules: Food Storage

  • Stipulates that cold food should be kept below 5°C to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Hot food should be kept above 63°C to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying.
  • The Danger Zone (5°C to 63°C) is where bacteria multiply fastest.
  • Frozen food should be stored at -18°C or below so that the growth of bacteria is stopped.
  • It also underlines that raw and cooked food must be stored separately to prevent cross-contamination.

Specific Rules: Food Preparation and Handling

  • Indicates that hand washing is crucial before handling food and after touching raw foods, waste, toilets, animals and cash registers.
  • Advocates for clean cooking utensils and surfaces to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Suggests proper cooking and reheating to kill harmful bacteria.
  • States the importance of checking labels to ensure foods are not out of date.

Enforcement of Regulations

  • Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) are in charge of inspection and enforcement of the food laws across the UK, including actions such as advising businesses, carrying out inspections, taking samples and initiating prosecution or closure where necessary.

Course material for Patisserie and Confectionery, module Food Safety, Health, and Hygiene, topic Food safety regulations

Patisserie and Confectionery

Yeast-based Products

Understanding yeast fermentation and effects on dough

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Understanding yeast fermentation and effects on dough

Yeast Fermentation Basics

  • Yeast is a type of fungi that plays a crucial role in bread baking. It ferments sugar, resulting in carbon dioxide and ethanol. This process is called yeast fermentation.
  • The carbon dioxide produced during fermentation causes the dough to rise and create the space, or 'holes', seen in the bread’s crumb.
  • The ethanol evaporates during baking, contributing to the flavour and aroma of the baked goods.
  • Yeast is usually activated in lukewarm water with sugar, a stage known as proofing. This process kickstarts fermentation.

Impact of Temperature

  • The rate of yeast fermentation is greatly influenced by temperature. Yeast is most active between 27°C and 32°C. Temperatures above 50°C can kill yeast.
  • In dough refrigeration, a process called retardation, fermentation slows but still occurs. This enhances flavour and texture.

Impacts of Salts and Fats

  • Salt positively affects dough by strengthening gluten structure, slowing fermentation, and enhancing flavour.
  • Fats slow down yeast fermentation by coating the gluten proteins, which affect the formation of the dough's structure.

Impact on Dough's Texture and Quality

  • The carbon dioxide gas expansion during the baking process helps in opening the dough's structure and provides a desirable light, fluffy texture.
  • The by-products of yeast fermentation react with other dough ingredients during baking, leading to complex flavours and pleasing aromas.
  • Over-risen dough can cause yeast to exhaust its food supply, resulting in dense textures and less appealing flavours. Therefore, controlling fermentation is key in producing quality baked goods.

Dough Leavening

  • Yeast fermentation is one main type of leavening in baking. Others include chemical leavening (baking powder/soda), steam (in pastries, e.g. puff pastry), mechanical (air incorporation e.g. whisking), and biological (sourdough leavening).
  • Yeasted dough products include bread, yeast-raised pastries, and some types of rolled-in dough.

Course material for Patisserie and Confectionery, module Yeast-based Products, topic Understanding yeast fermentation and effects on dough

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